Title: Haunted Pairing: Roy/Kimbley Rating: Perfectly worksafe Notes: I typed it right into LJ, so if you see any errors, don't be afraid to point them out to me.
Title: Moral Compass, Sanctity Spoilers: a mass near the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Rating: NC-17, why, we have porn! Notes: Yes, it is the long awaited porn, tada!!
Memory Pairing: Greed/Kimbley Rating: Worksafe Spoilers: Not that I can think of Notes: Mwahaha! I finally write this pairing straight up and by myself!
Title: Moral Compass, Planning Spoilers: Off towards the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Notes: This chapter brought to you by a bribe ::grins:: the next chapter should follow thi immediately in context
Alright, I can't say you guys can request on this one again for the simple reason that I'm going to be leaving Monday for an undetermined amount of time with no net access.
However, this batch got one really cool one out of the bunch.
Title: In keeping Spoilers: Yes, though not sure where to Pairing: Envy/Kimbley Note: I adore the hell out of this universe and idea already ::curses:: For morningxstorm for the 'one line' thing ::wince:: oh yeah, I managed a One liner here!
Title: Visiting day Character: Kimbley Think it's worksafe... nothing explicit or flashing. Notes: Crossdressing ::shifty look:: it's art if you hadn't realized. Though, it has a drabble! And... this thing woke me up at 2 am... if anyone was curious.