Title: Breaking Words: 1016 Characters: Havoc, Lust, Envy Rating: Edging just shy of NC-17 I believe Warnings: Mind-fuck, abuse Notes: A little Manga AU here, just for the holiday.
Title: Desecrate through Reverence Pairing: Havoc/Ed Rating: Not really worksafe Notes/warnings: It’s non-con in theme. And yes, Havoc isn’t completely right in the head here, tread carefully.
Title: Staggered Pairing: Greed/Havoc Rating: General Notes: Just let me inform you all that this is Hallidae’s fault. I was DONE with this universe, the first bit of which is here: Staring Contest
We call it persistence Pairings: Edward/Jean. Rating: worksafe, though the opening line might make you go 'but you said...' Summary: Edward comes up with a rather unique idea.