Title: Cat Troubles Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Pairing: Alphonse/Edward with hints of Al/Ed/Havoc Words: 1178 Rating: R Warnings: A bit of sexual content. Incest. A cat of doom. Summary: Sometimes it was just too much to ask for sex in peace.
Title: Moral Compass, Unarguable Spoilers: a mass near the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Rating: NC-17 for previous chapters Notes: Look, Edward does exist!
Title: Haze Pairing: Ed/Al Spoilers: Sort of end of series, but not really Rating: R Notes: It’s comedy, vaguely fluffy, and written at hagane_no’s request. Mind, she requested this in May, but it’s done now…
Title: Symmetry Pairing: Al/Alfons/Fletcher Spoilers: use of Heid? Otherwise, no. Notes/Warnings: This might be vaguely fluffy. My brain was much broken, very dramatically broken. Hear that sakurazuka_mori?? You snapped my brain in two with this request! ::dies::
Title: Moral Compass, Sanctity Spoilers: a mass near the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Rating: NC-17, why, we have porn! Notes: Yes, it is the long awaited porn, tada!!
Title: Moral Compass, Planning Spoilers: Off towards the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Notes: This chapter brought to you by a bribe ::grins:: the next chapter should follow thi immediately in context
Title: Hush For the Walk of Knives Rating: Not worksafe on any level so NC-17 Pairing: Envy/Al Warnings: Spoilerific, Tentacle porn, mental issues, rape ::flails:: Mind games? Notes: Written for youkofujima's tentacle demands. It's a sequel for Velvet_mace's fic Proving Grounds.