Alright! My replies to this thing: Give me a character or pairing and a word, and I'll write you a line of fic.
FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist), GW (Gundam Wing), or HP (Harry Potter)
HP For
severed_Sanity There were many ways that Severus could have been forgiven, and others that had been tried, and had failed, to show the man that he had been accepted. In the end though, the only absolution he believed was when his lover finally granted him the freedom of death he'd desired for so long, in which he had no master to bow to.
jade_penThey liked to say that diamonds were a girl's best friend. It wasn't true. Honestly, if that were the case then she certainly wouldn't have such an attraction to rubies... and emeralds... and sapphires...
empty_geas (spoilery)
In one instance, the alchemist hadn't been in the right place at the right time... at least not in the way that had him knowing what he was dealing with. In this instance, he was far luckier. He wouldn't go to jail, his prospects wouldn't be ruined... instead he was intercepted from the Ishbalan brothers by a youthful woman who offered him a most curious deal. If he gave her the tattoo covered man... Well, then he'd get just about anything he wanted. It proved to be a very good deal.
tir_synni Every time he looked into his eyes he knew it was wrong. All of it. The gold was the same, but that slit pupil wasn't what he'd ever wanted. The gold hair was off as well, just the slightest bit too pale. He aged and he grew, but he was taller than he should have been. He wasn't right. He wasn't his older brother. There was only regret, but that didn't stop Alphonse from letting the sin do as it pleased.
wired_lizard He just knew there was something wrong when he couldn't peel his eyes off those pink lips. He blamed it on the chocolate. There was no other reason he could possibly want to stare at such a young, beautiful- Okay, it was just natural reaction to stare at the boy, but he was much older, and had his own responsibilities. Pushing up his glasses up his nose as he cleared his throat, he turned and strode off before he gave in to the urge ravish the boy. He made a note to himself to never, ever give Edward white chocolate again.
chauni Greed hadn't reacted all that well the first time he'd been confronted with a camera. Then again, he hadn't reacted all that well to cars or phones either. Envy, however, made him appreciate the use of photos. He never failed to capture the other sin on film for one reason, and one reason alone. No matter how many pictures he took, no two would ever be alike, because the other sin was fluid that way. He'd never settle in one place or form for long. But that was fine for the simple reason that he was Greed's. And what Greed kept, he knew would never really leave his grasp.
dogmatix_san There was something perfect about working with someone who knew your element so well. In truth, it was rather addicting. Exuberance could be countered with cold gruffness, purpose with power. But none of that mattered to, or detered, someone who loved the same thing he did. While the boy set his charges, Kimbley would get them out with his own. He helped the boy out, if for only the simple fact that Duo Maxwell was one prodigy he'd gladly let come near him.
There just weren't enough people who appreciated a good explosion.
lykomancer Envy was having a really hard time figuring out how he'd gotten into this position. He'd been around hundreds of years, and still, he had managed to get himself into a strange situation. It might have been because the kid had some rather good comebacks once he got past the father threats.
Still... good snark did not explain to him how he'd ended up on his hands and knees with the little blond brat having a grand old time behind him.
prolificmuse He was looking at his hands again. He didn't mind though, it was just how he was. Taking a drag off his cigarette, he cast blue eyes in the direction of the small, fiercely determined blond. The kid was too polite to really just come out and ask though.
Swinging on his overcoat, he walked past and ran his fingers over Alphonse's shoulder. "Want a ride back?"
"Sure... I'd like that."
gribouille "You're joking, right?"
"Fine, give me the damn berries, but I swear, only this once, it's unnerving." Muttering to himself, the alchemist nibbled the chocolate off the strawberries, trying to figure out why the hell the sin liked watching him eat sweets so much.
If he'd asked, the answer he would have gotten likely wouldn't have clarified a thing.
Yu Yu Hakusho For
bagelbunion It was a matter of perspective if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Kurama would say it was a good thing, but he wasn't the one tied down and ensnared in an odd assortment of restraints. Hiei was going to say it was a bad thing until they reversed positions.
leasspell_dael There weren't many days when it was just Maes and his wife in the house. There were even less when Gracia got time to herself to do as she liked. Her favorite hobby was dancing, something she'd practice when there were no prying eyes or hyper children around to distract her. That way, when she put on the music some evening and got Maes to herself, all he ever did was watch, because she was just that talented.
Of course, it helped to avoid putting on the pounds to. There was no way she was giving up the apple pie.
HP For
aethrin When he'd started these rallies, they hadn't been what a person would call popular. In fact, they'd been downright boring, and it had taken a good bit of patience to figure out the best mix of intruige, informative, length. The worst time of it had been when everyone left after his six hour speech on all the ways that the extra resources should be diverted.
For all that, he could have repeatedly smacked himself when he found the perfect way to get people to join him. Tattoos. Magic tattoos. And he thought that changing his name to Voldemort had been dramatic.
celes_grant (Spoilery)
So many things had happened to get them to this point. More than one of events could have been avoided, heartache that could have been sidestepped and hadn't. It had been like an intricate dance that someone had tripped up in the middle.
That wasn't bad. He'd lost Al after the teen had found his brother and brought him home, having been so unkind as to tell Edward nothing of their relationship. Roy hadn't thought it was something so easily dismissed, though he'd found that clearly it had been a fleeting thing to the youth. It hadn't even warranted a goodbye once they had returned.
That was how he came to be here, vulnerable to a very different man than the boy had held him in far less regard than he'd believed. It made him guilty that he thought of the younger, but that just inspired him to give the blue eyed blond whatever his heart desired in silent unexpained apology. Alphonse Heiderich, after all, actually wanted him, and he wouldn't make the man be to him what he had been to the boy he looked so similar to.
hallidae He knew what the man expected of him, but he'd never be able to give it. Or so he'd thought at first. With each day that passed it seemed to be easier... but he just couldn't do it. He knew where his loyalties should be and this wasn't it.
It was getting hard to remember that, especially at times like this.
Greed crouched over him, meeting his eyes as he brushed blond hair out of his eyes, interfering with his thoughts. "This shouldn't be so hard for you. I'm hardly the first owner you've had."
When the sin lit a cigarette, taking a long draw off of it before leaning to seal their lips together, breathing the smoke out to him... it was just a little harder to remember what he was trying to hang onto his resolve for. After all, even if he wanted to protest... he knew Greed was right.
psi_neko "See, so that all comes down to the man, well, he's not really a man anymore, being a Dark Lord. He's a really horrible person."
Gentle claws ran through the young wizard's hair, and Greed leaned in, smiling to himself. "But Harry... if Voldemort is the Dark Lord, what does that make me?"
Green eyes met violet and he murmured a soft phrase, a wistful smile on his face. "Everything else."
tashi_chan It was amusing to sit there and pet the feline as he watched the rest of the world going on about it's business, not a all caring of those that were slowed from it's time into something else entirely. A bemused smile crossed his lips and the sharptoothed man lifted the kitten to eye level, meeting the perfect violet copies, if smaller than his own.
"We'll rule the world Envy. Just you watch, I'll get it all."
owleyes_arisen It was certainly not what he expected to find when he got up that morning. In fact, he really hadn't thouht he'd get a treat even close to this one when he cralwed out of bed that morning. Not that he really minded.
Leaning down to tip the face up, he saw the brief slit quality in the green gold eyes before they turned back to a more human looking appearance. Moving the rectangular glasses out of the way to get a good look at the figure, Greed smiled.
"Why, aren't you just a pretty thing?"
The reaction was a knife to the throat.
If you have a new request, just dump it in the comments