Title: Moral Compass, Sanctity Spoilers: a mass near the end of the series Pairing: Alphonse/Kimbley Rating: NC-17, why, we have porn! Notes: Yes, it is the long awaited porn, tada!!
Yes, Al, tell yourself that it's all for HIS sake. Though honestly, I don't think he'd mind too much if Al got some satisfaction out of this as well, after all, that's how you show gratitude. Right? Right?.
>.> you kill me dear with amused ::hugs:: mwahaha I made the charas do as I wished! THough Alphonse kept trying to drift AWAY from the smut... as you can likely see
Al is so good at working out reasons for doing what he wants and getting himself to believe them. Lovely. It'll be interesting to see what kind of reaction he gets on waking his charge.
I just joined this community, so I guess I'm new. ^_^ At first I thought "AlxKimbley!!!??? WTH!?!!?!?!" Then I came here, and I read your fic, and now I'm like "AlxKimbley!!!??!?!? MORE PLEASE!!!" ^_^ I would like to congradulate you in converting me, it was this fic that did it. ^_^
Comments 10
Muses need to be tightly reigned in.
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