a/n: I've had this done with the rest of the Suits/LHTF but some how this didn't get posted with the rest. I'm sorry for skipping posts and any confusion it caused. Please see the sticky post for story order.
Learning to Think First lkrumwiede’s prompt: LHTF, Dean in a situation where blowing something up makes it worse and he needs to use his brains to fix it. Check the sticky post for chronological order.
Learning to Depend on Others By paburke Summary: Events on Dean’s first leave after Learning How to Fly. He gets into trouble. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. Cross with NCIS.
Learning How to Fly: Doppelganger Snippet Spoilers for the episode ‘Doppelganger’ (Some of the lines are straight from that script, though in a different context)
This in no way will include every story I've written on this lj. If you're looking for something that faithdaria and I wrote together, check her stickypost. I'm just trying to put certain series *cough*LHTF*cough* together in order, since some things were written and posted non-chronologically.