LHTF Ficlet: Learning How to Ask, Harvey Snippet

Jan 23, 2014 18:09

Learning How to Ask, Harvey Snippet

a/n: I've had this done with the rest of the Suits/LHTF but some how this didn't get posted with the rest. I'm sorry for skipping posts and any confusion it caused. Please see the sticky post for story order.

Harvey had been in the middle of organizing )

suits, series, supernatural/stargate:atlantis, crossover, author:paburke, sga, learning how to fly, sg1, supernatural, spn

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Comments 4

lita_of_jupiter January 26 2014, 14:20:49 UTC
so adorable! i love it, I am trying to rememeber and find the snippet which discussed who does what wetwork in Atlantis but I can't seem to find it.

thank you for sharing this


faithburke February 20 2014, 00:47:28 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's the next one in the sticky post


nyx_girl January 26 2014, 22:41:51 UTC
Loved it!


faithburke February 20 2014, 00:49:18 UTC


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