Fic List

Jul 12, 2020 00:11

All fic is for Harry Potter. Please read the ratings and warnings at the top of each fic. All fic is also tagged with characters, pairings (if applicable), challenges, ratings, and warnings.


grangersnape100 Drabbles:

01: Photograph; photograph challenge: 100 x 1. rating: g
Snape serves the Dark Lord, but with a secret.

02: Squared Stars; stars challenge: 100 x 5. rating: pg
There are many types of stars in Snape's life.

03: Destroy, Eradicate, Obliterate; dystopia challenge; 100 x 2. rating: pg-13
Voldemort has won, and is cleansing the wizarding world of all non purebloods.

04: Consolation Prize; please pick me challenge; 100. pg.
Severus has to think fast to avoid being gifted with the Boy-Who-Lost.

05: Flourish and Blotts; hidden talent challenge; 100 x 2. pg.
Hermione wants to go book shopping.

snape100 Drabbles:

01: Pale Perfection; temptation challenge: 100 x 3. rating: pg-13
Snape's biggest temptation is a fellow student.

02: Unbreakable Heart; heart challenge; 100 x 2. rating: pg-13
Snape has a heart...doesn't he?

03: A Summer Rat; summer challenge; 100 x 3. rating: pg-13
Just when he had a peaceful summer planned...

04: Autumn Crocus; autumn challenge; 100 x 1. rating: pg-13
An autumn crocus belongs in the lily family.

05: Returning the Favor; The Great Hall - O.W.L.s challenge; 100 x 1. rating: pg
Snape toasts to failure.

slytherin100 Drabbles:

01: Midnight Grief; midnight by the lake challenge; 100 x 3. rating: pg
Draco and Pansy, by the lake.

02: Songbird; button challenge; 200 x 2. rating: pg-13
Bellatrix Lestrange will survive Azkaban.

03: Spinner's End Redux; wait challenge; 100 x 4. rating: pg-13
What happened between Narcissa and Bellatrix before they arrived at Spinner's End?

04: Hebridean Black; manual challenge; 100 x 3. rating: g
Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco share a family moment.

05: The Dirty Death Eater; Scourgify challenge, dirty challenge (dark fic table); 100. rating: pg-13
Bellatrix? Miss a domestic spell?

06: Locking Horns; Deny challenge; 100 x 2. rating: pg.
Loosely follows Hebridean Black; Draco annoys his mother with his new toy.

07: The Day After; Headline challenge; 100. rating: pg-13.
Pansy reads The Daily Prophet the day after The Battle of Hogwarts.

08: Head of House; Ward and Assumption challenge; 100. rating: pg.
Slughorn ponders his Head of House responsibilities.

09: Assumptions; Assumption challenge; 100. rating: pg.
Draco can't believe Pansy would say 'No.'

hp_humpdrabbles Drabbles:

01: Just Like Me; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 499. rating: r
Bellatrix and Sirius, in a dark alley.

02: Manipulating Flowers; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 464. rating: nc-17
Voldemort's a naughty boy.

03: Don't Move; "Teeth" by Lady Gaga challenge; 499. rating: nc-17
Bellatrix has a unique way of teaching control to young Barty Jr.

04: Silver Ribbons; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 500. rating: nc-17
Narcissa loves surprising Lucius.

05: Locker Room; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 500. rating: r
Bellatrix surprises James in the locker room after a Quidditch game.

06: The Game We Play; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 404. rating: nc-17
Lucius hates his sister-in-law, but he hates losing even more.

07: Nothing Better; hp_humpdrabbles "Underwear" by the Magnetic Fields; 300. rating: r
There aren't many things in life better than this.

08: Say It; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 185. rating: r
Draco desperately wants Pansy to say something.

09: Muggle Magic; pic prompt; 353. rating: r
"Gods, 'Dromeda, I love you in those shorts."

10: Paper Heart; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 411. rating: r
"Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever."

11: Astoria's Surprise; hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon; 497. rating: nc-17
What - who - is hiding under Draco's desk?

12: Unfurling Lucius; fetish prompt; 300. rating: r
"Her eyes widen when she sees the pile of ribbons on the bed, but she doesn’t say a word."

sortinghatdrabs Drabbles:

01: Picking Sides; Gryffindor/Slytherin Possession challenge; 317. rating: pg
Minerva picks her side.

02: Hugo's Revenge; Draco Malfoy/Hugo Weasley, Revenge challenge; 497. rating: pg
Ron loves to tell his kids stories about the jerk known as Draco Malfoy.

03: The First Offer; Lily Potter / Lucius Malfoy, "Now you listen to me" challenge; 499. rating: pg-13
The Potters defied the Dark Lord three times. This was the first offer.

04: A Malfoy Helps a Weasley (and the World Doesn't End) Astoria Greengrass Malfoy / Ron Weasley, ribbons and lace; 499. rating: g
Why had Hermione sent him to shop for Lily's first birthday gift?

Misc Drabbles:

01: Manual Labor; manual challenge, anonymous challenge (dark fic table); 100 x 4. rating: r
Bellatrix shows her husband that Incarcerous isn't always the prettiest spell.

02: A Dementor's Love; deathly_contest Week #1: Life After Death Challenge; 250. rating: pg-13
Barty has been kissed by the Dementors - is he alive or dead?

03: The Brightest Star; deatheaterdrabs Bellatrix Lestrange challenge. 497 words. rating: pg-13.
Bellatrix and her father discuss her 'business' for the Dark Lord.

04: Right Where She Wants Her; hp_femsmut Summer 2010 Drabble Challenge. 400 words. rating: nc-17.
Bellatrix knows how to get Pansy just where she wants her.

05: Ebony and Phoenix; deathly_contest Week #4: Life of a Wand Challenge. 300 words. rating: g.
Narcissa Black visits Ollivander's to buy her wand.

06: Green Tea; femslash100 Challenge 255: Outsider, quill_it 50 Fics Table #4: Colorful. 250 words. rating: pg-13.
Normally Astoria's manners are impeccable, but today....

07: The Spectrum of Desire; femslash100 Challenge 256: Middle, quill_it 50 Fics Table #1: Patience. 200 words. rating: pg-13.
Normally, such clumsiness would annoy her, but today it pleases her.

08: Of Pixies and Wrackspurts; femslash100 Challenge 275: Before. 200 x 3 words. rating: pg-13.
Most witches - and wizards - would be trembling in their dragonskin boots if trapped in the same room as Bellatrix Lestrange, but this girl, this little witchling, clearly could care less.



01: Pure; Dark Fic Table: #41, Fixation. 861 words. rating: nc-17
Narcissa can't stand being impure.

02: Primal Instinct; Dark Fic Table: #4: Blood. 2000 words. rating: nc-17.
Bellatrix and Lucius enjoy each other at a Death Eater revel.

03: Cradle of Lies; deatheaterdrabs Draco Malfoy challenge. 749 words. rating: pg-13.
Lies are the Malfoy legacy.

04: The Only One; deathly_contest Blush challenge. 1441 words. rating: pg-13.
His last view of his wife was at their trial.

05: Red and White; hp_3forfun Wine Challenge. 1000 words. rating: r.
Lucius and Narcissa teach Pansy how to properly appreciate wine.

06: Cruelty in Three Acts; deatheaterdrabs Writer's Choice challenge. 745. rating: r.
Brother inspiring brother.


( Rare Pair Shorts || Septima Vector / Aurora Sinistra || Progress: 0/13 )

( Greek Mythology Drabble Cycle || HP Femslash || Progress: 0/30 )


FEMSLASH: (in no particular order. a roundup of links until I can make a proper masterlist)

01. Of Pixies and Wrackspurts, Bellatrix/Luna, 600 words
02. Pure, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 861 words
03. Right Where She Wants Her, Bellatrix/Pansy, 400 words
04. The Spectrum of Desire, Narcissa/Astoria, 200 words
05. Green Tea, Narcissa/Astoria, 250 words
06. The Temptation of Bellatrix Black, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 2,821 words
07. Picking Pansies, Bellatrix/Narcissa/Pansy, 990 words
08. Toujours Fidèle, Narcissa/Pansy, 2,474
09. Stay, Bellatrix/Pansy, 200 words
10. A Different Sort of Play, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 408 words
11. The Road to the Little Death, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 718 words
12. Only the Best, Bellatrix/Pansy, 1,800 words
13. The Spaces Between, Septima Vector/Rose Zeller, 2,400 words
14. Endgame, Bellatrix/Hermione, 452 words
15. The Third Time is the Charm, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 1,166
16. Three, Septima Vector/Charity Burbage, 200 words
17. Blue, Narcissa/Astoria, 150 words
18. A Tragedy In One Act, Septima Vector/Charity Burbage, 800 words
19. Enough, Rolanda/Narcissa, 740 words
20. Tales, Minerva/Hermione, 1,100 words
21. Like, Narcissa/Astoria, 125 words
22. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait, Narcissa/Pansy, 2,100 words
23. Good Girl, Pansy/Hermione, 2,100 words
24. In the Shadow of a Black Hole, Rita Skeeter/Andromeda Tonks, 1,200 words
25. The Art of Seduction, Bellatrix/Narcissa, 1,788 words
26. Expectation, Pansy/Rose Weasley, 950 words

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