Drabble: Consolation Prize

Aug 29, 2010 00:20

Title: Consolation Prize
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: grangersnape100 "Please, pick me"
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: I guess my mind is still in dystopia land.
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted belong to JKR, and are not mine.


“…Therefore, as much as it pains me to give up my prize, I would offer you the Boy-Who-Lost as a reward.”

Severus inhaled sharply; the last thing he wanted was Potter - but one didn’t refuse a gift from the Dark Lord if one wanted to stay in favor. And alive.

Then, across the room, he spotted a familiar pair of brown eyes watching him, clearly pleading ‘please save me, please pick me.’ She was crouched behind the Lestranges, and was, he realized, the solution to his quandary.

“My Lord, you are extremely generous, but respectfully, I would prefer a female….”


character: hermione granger, warning: alternate universe, length: drabble (100-500), year: 2010, pairing: hermione/severus, community: grangersnape100, fic, character: lord voldemort, character: severus snape, rating: pg

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