Drabble: A Summer Rat

Jul 31, 2010 00:02

Title: A Summer Rat
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: snape100: Prompt #344: Summer
Characters: Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew
Author's Note: Did not get my usual 3 days of rereadings, so I hope there are no mistakes! Set just before Half-Blood Prince.
Disclaimer: Not mine.


He was perusing his books, eyes running over the faded leather spines, searching for the perfect tome to start off his relaxing summer, when the brand on his left arm burned.

“What now?” Irate at having his peace interrupted, hours into his summer holiday, Snape nevertheless fixed an ‘I’m-not-too-annoyed’ expression on his face and Apparated to the Dark Lord’s side.

Mere minutes later he was bowing to the hem of Voldemort’s dark robe. “You summoned me, my Lord?”

Motioning for Snape to rise, Voldemort said, “Yes, Severus. I have tasks for you, now that you aren’t constrained by your…duties…at Hogwarts.”


Snape inwardly groaned, but kept his nonchalant air; his plans for a summer free of troublesome students and irksome obligations were rapidly disappearing. Realistically he’d known the Dark Lord would likely have something for him to do, but he’d hoped for at least a few tranquil days.

“I would be honored -” He was cut off as Voldemort waved a pale palm.

“Yes, I’m sure, but for now, I have something else in mind. I’m sending Wormtail home with you for a few weeks; I have no use for him at present, and I’m sure you could use some… assistance.”


It took all Snape’s considerable experience in concealing his feelings to not scream “Wormtail?!” as the Dark Lord’s words sunk in. Having Peter Pettigrew, an utterly despicable being, in his house for even a day, let alone weeks, was worse than having to grade first-years’ essays.

Snape was under no illusions - he knew the reason Voldemort was “lending” him Wormtail was because the rat would report back to his master with Snape’s every breath.

He was pleased to see, however, that Wormtail visibly wasn’t happy about being sent to be Snape’s… servant.

What a ruined summer holiday, he thought.


length: drabble (100-500), character: peter pettigrew, year: 2010, fic, community: snape100, character: lord voldemort, character: severus snape, rating: pg-13

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