Drabble: Destroy, Eradicate, Obliterate

Aug 07, 2010 02:42

Title: Destroy, Eradicate, Obliterate
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: grangersnape100 Dystopia
Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape
Warnings: Angst, AU, Major Character Death
Author's Note: I'm not entirely pleased with it, but this was the best idea I've had all week. I hope it's angsty enough, benebu!
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted belong to JKR, and are not mine.


The Squibs had been destroyed.

The Mudbloods had been eradicated.

The blood traitors had been obliterated.

Now the half-bloods are up for extermination.

~ ~ ~

The crowd was surprised to see him in the execution line; as a former Death Eater, favorite of Voldemort, his place in society should’ve been secured.

Whispers reached his ears; former students wondering if it was really him, really Severus Snape waiting patiently for the Killing Curse.

Severus didn’t care about the onlookers, or his impending death; he was remembering the day the Mudbloods had been eradicated, the day his Hermione had stood in this very spot.


In the new wizarding world, where the Dark Lord ruled with an iron wand, the worst crime was love between the blood-castes.

The crowd jeered as the executioner read the charges - relations with a Mudblood, his impure ancestry - but he wasn’t listening. Instead he was replaying Hermione’s last words - I love you, Severus - and recalling her last kiss before their arrest.

I will be with my Hermione soon.

So different, the Gryffindor lioness and the Slytherin snake, yet so perfectly matched. Their love had been a balm, their salvation in the dark and deadly world of pure-blood supremacy.

“Avada Kedavra!”


character: hermione granger, warning: alternate universe, length: drabble (100-500), year: 2010, pairing: hermione/severus, community: grangersnape100, fic, warning: angst, warning: character death, character: severus snape, rating: pg-13

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