Drabble: The Game We Play

Sep 16, 2010 23:39

Title: The Game We Play
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 404
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: Written for hp_humpdrabbles 2010 Humpathon. Prompt posted by elle_blessing, and was "Lucius/Bellatrix, fight for dominance."
Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy
Warnings: Infidelity, sex, first person POV
Author's Note: Back to the regular postings of smut. Yeah...
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted belong to JKR, and are not mine.
Summary: Lucius hates his sister-in-law, but he hates losing even more.


It’s definitely not her appearance that attracts me. I could care less for her flashing obsidian eyes, or her riotous black curls, or the voluptuous breasts she shows off so easily. She is my exact opposite: a foul harpy with no sophistication despite her pure breeding and cultured upbringing.

My perfect match is entertaining our guests downstairs. The narcissus in me delights in how she is a reflection of me in every way: we have the same straight, golden hair; the same pale, flawless skin; and the same delicate, patrician bone structure. We even share the same icy, aloof demeanor and the same cool, calculated intelligence.

No, I certainly don’t return to Bellatrix for her body or her mind.

It’s the game we play - the constant struggle for dominance - that calls to me, like a siren’s song thrumming my blood. All she has to do is flick her dark eyes at me, or smirk with those flirtatious red lips, and we’re off to find a place to fight and fuck and hate.

Her curvy arse rubs against my cock, a reminder of what I’m supposed to be doing, and I roughly slam back into her hungry cunt. Bellatrix grunts - bastard - when her hips knock harshly against my desk; we’re in my study, and I can hear music from the party two floors down. I’m determined to win this time, so I can return to my guests with a real smile, and a pleasant memory to relive while I socialize.

I’m so close, but I can see her eyes - heavily lidded and smoky with arousal - in the polished desktop, and I know I can hold off until Bellatrix comes. I lean over her arched back and bite her shoulder, teeth sinking deeply into her skin, trying to push her into pleasure. She keens low in her throat and writhes on my cock, and I know she’s almost at her peak. I sneer at the delicious thought of my impending victory - but then the damn witch clenches the muscles of her sex tightly around my shaft and sends me into a screaming orgasm.

“Some day you’ll win, Lucius,” she says mockingly, laughing as I pull out of her. The sound hurts my ears and I’m disgusted with myself because I know I’ll keep coming back to her until that day.

I hate Bellatrix, but I hate losing even more.


community: hp_humpdrabbles, warning: sex, character: lucius malfoy, length: drabble (100-500), year: 2010, fic, pairing: bellatrix/lucius, rating: nc-17, challenge: hp humpathon 2010, warning: infidelity, character: bellatrix (black) lestrange

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