Drabble: Don't Move

Sep 03, 2010 10:36

Title: Don't Move
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 499
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: hp_humpdrabbles "Teeth" by Lady Gaga.
Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr.
Warnings: Oral Sex
Author's Note: First time writing this pairing.
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted belong to JKR, and are not mine.


“If your hands move one more time, you won’t like what happens.”

In response, he clenched his fingers even more tightly together, until his fingernails dug painfully into the backs of his hands. He’d barely slipped, hadn’t even moved his hands from behind his back, but she’d known, and he didn’t want to risk finding out what she meant.

Bellatrix said it would teach him control.

Barty found that rather ironic considering who had said it. New as he was to the Dark Lord’s ranks, he knew she was, well - mentally unstable was putting it lightly. Not to mention she was one of Lord Voldemort’s favorites; he found it hard to believe she’d willingly sink to her knees to “help” him.

But she had, and here he was, pants down around his ankles and hands behind his back, trying his hardest not to move while Bellatrix Lestrange sucked on his cock like it was a lolly.

She had a damn good mouth, and he longed to lace his fingers in her black hair, to press her blood-red lips closer to his groin, to stuff his cock down her throat.

“Oh Barty, aren’t you a bad boy,” she purred, pulling back from him just enough so that her hot breath tickled the head of his dick, and he shivered, both from fear and arousal. She could read his mind? What sort of skills did this witch have?

“Plenty, and I’m sure you’ve never heard of most of them.” She punctuated each word with a swirl of her tongue on him, and Barty groaned from the airy sensations. He thrust his hips forward, toward her open mouth, and Bellatrix laughed. “Oh no, this isn’t about this,” she said, harshly squeezing the base of his cock. “It’s about control, which you sorely lack.”

When she brought one sharp, pointy nail up to stroke his scrotum, he whimpered; Barty had heard plenty of stories about what she did with those nails. “I can see you’re going to need many lessons,” she said, and Barty winced. She planned to do this again? He wasn’t so sure he liked that idea.

“As many times as it takes for you to control your body…” she traced her nails about the soft skin of his sack. “Your reactions…” her nails tickled; he shifted from foot to foot. “Your voice…” One spiky nail pressed down painfully; he barely swallowed a yelp.

Just what the hell was he doing here?

Then her mouth engulfed him again, tongue working the underside of his cock while she inhaled him, and all sense fled his brain. The only thing he could think was more, as Bellatrix licked and teased him, her wet lips moving up and down his length; he was so hard it hurt. Unconsciously he pumped his hips again, trying to encourage her to do more.

Stupid boy, he heard in his head, and then she bit him, sharp teeth sinking in deeply. I told you not to move.


community: hp_humpdrabbles, character: barty crouch jr., warning: sex, length: drabble (100-500), year: 2010, pairing: bellatrix/barty jr., fic, rating: nc-17, character: bellatrix (black) lestrange

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