Drabble: Green Tea

Oct 10, 2010 13:57

Title: Green Tea
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: femslash100 Challenge #255: Outsider; quill_it 50 Fics Table: #4: Colorful
Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Narcissa Malfoy
Warnings: Hint of femslash
Author's Note: I should be working on other stuff, but yeah.... Anyway, thanks to illusionrain and J. for reading this first! And there is now a sequel to this! "The Spectrum of Desire."
Disclaimer: HP and all assorted belong to JKR, and are not mine.
Summary: Normally Astoria's manners are impeccable, but today....


Astoria feels like an outsider in front of Draco’s mother, like a little country girl plucked from obscurity and put in an unfamiliar world.

Her bloodline may not be as illustrious or as ancient as the House of Black, but the Greengrasses have their own fame, and Astoria is no rube.

But she can’t help feeling like one when she has tea with Draco’s mother to discuss the details of the upcoming wedding. When Narcissa’s cool blue eyes focus on her, Astoria fumbles and nearly spills tea on her skirt. Her stomach sinks when the woman’s eyes narrow at the near miss, and Astoria cringes in embarrassment. Normally her manners are impeccable.

Narcissa Malfoy is everything Astoria has always wanted to be: elegant, refined, sophisticated…she could list adjectives all day and never run out.

Narcissa is perfection in Astoria’s green, envious eyes.

When she really thinks about it, Astoria knows she prefers the mother instead of the boy she is to marry. Astoria wishes she would find Narcissa in her marital bed when the time comes, instead of the woman’s cowardly son.

Her fingers grip the china teacup more tightly as she imagines long blonde hair splayed over a pillow and arousal-dark blue eyes gazing up at her. She feels even more awkward envisioning such things when the object of her lust is sitting across from her, demurely sipping tea.

Outsider, indeed.

A proper pure-blood girl should not think of such things, especially in front of her future mother-in-law.


pairing: narcissa/astoria, community: femslash100, challenge: quill_it 50 fics, length: drabble (100-500), year: 2010, warning: femmeslash, fic, rating: pg-13, character: narcissa (black) malfoy, character: astoria (greengrass) malfoy

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