Battle For the Sun Index

Oct 28, 2009 03:20

Story Summary
25-year-old Cyprian Corvo is one of the last of an ancient and powerful race of mystics. He could have any occupation in the world, serve any seat in any military in the world - but he chose the life of a wanderer, stopping for longer periods of time only to indulge in his favorite hobby, botany. Then one day he rescues 18-year-old amateur adventurer Cliff Knight and distressed damsel - and occasional martial artist - Kristen Morrow, and his peaceful life goes haywire. But these are no longer peaceful times, and the vampires are becoming restless for seemingly no other reason but for the eclipse of the sun, days past, and word of the turning of war hero - or criminal, depending on who you ask - Ragnar Merridan. No good can come of this.

Started solely for the novelty of having a non-flamboyant, non-sissy pink-haired male mage. Evolved into a fun story with a sarcastic anti-hero who is adopted by a bunch of inexperienced misfit adventurers/poseurs. They have shenanigans. And may or may not have to save the world by the end of the story, but you know, that's just how it is sometimes.

For character profiles/avatars of Jaida, Kristen, Cyprian, and Cliff, and a detailed summary/history on the countries of Anharo, click here. (Still working on it.)


Chapter 1
I. Conquer : White Chocolate #24: malevolence, Pralines & Cream #30: last words
II. Bella Donna Amongst the Belladonna : Pralines & Cream #14: fresh air, Watermelon #24: any questions?
III. Courage and Stupidity and Soup : ‬Pralines‭ & ‬Cream‭ ‬#5:‭ ‬pea soup,‭ ‬Watermelon‭ ‬#10:‭ ‬where did I put that‭?
IV. Unless First a Dream : Pralines & Cream #19: out of shape, White Chocolate #27: loathing
V. The Way of Things : Pralines & Cream #27: lights out
VI. The Side-Affects of Tequila : Pralines & Cream #25: bigger than a breadbox, White Chocolate #7: embarrassment
VII. Dangerous Things : White Chocolate #10: agony, Pralines & Cream #3: mind over matter
VIII. Conversations With Ghosts : Blue Raspberry #4: hungover, Watermelon #12: just like (grand)mother used to make, Pralines & Cream #29: finish line, Malt
IX. The Five Uses of Love-Lies-Bleeding (And One Reason They Will Remain Unknown) : Blue Raspberry #11: spring cleaning, Pralines & Cream #24: one of a kind, Malt
X. A Moral Dilemma : Blue Raspberry #16: choosing sides, White Chocolate #5: outrage, Watermelon #22: it's your move, Malt, Pocky
XI. Cold Authority:  Blue Raspberry #20: under new management, White Chocolate #21: whimsy, Pralines & Cream #2: two cents, Malt (C - "we don't say that word")
X. (Not) The Easiest Escape Ever: White Chocolate #8: helplessness, Pralines & Cream #18: cookie cutter, Blue Raspberry #22: picking up the pieces, Malt (bookblather's Stocking prompt)
XI. The Feline Menace: Blue Raspberry #18: bad omen, Watermelon #16: you'll never know the difference, Pralines & Cream #15: show of hands, Malt, Cherry
XII. An Interlude: Pralines & Cream #20: a face in the crowd, Watermelon #7: put it on my tab, Blue Raspberry #10: in bad taste, Malt (Bingo, card 1: "comparing gaydar + "You were the mermaid for me / till one day you found your feet," - Ludo, "Drunken Lament" + mentoring + pocky chain + corrupted innocence"), Cherry
XIII. Darkest Hour: Cantaloupe 13: quicksand, Rocky Road 26: unholy place, Blue Raspberry 5: a cunning plan, Malt

Chapter 2
I. There's a Great Black Wave In the Middle of the Sea (For Me) : Blackberry #6: set the record straight, Gingerbread #4: fairy godmother, Rhubarb #22: long time, no see, Malt, Cherry

I. Changing Sides : (Ragnar) Blue Raspberry #30: redemption, Malt, Pocky
II. Scar Tissue : (Mashiro) Blue Raspberry #12: lurking, White Chocolate #1: purpose, Malt, Pocky, Hot Fudge
III. Win or Lose : (Jaida) Watermelon #1: one step forward, two steps back, Pocky
IV. Waiting, Impatiently : (Jaida) White Chocolate #13: bitterness, Pocky
V. Green Marginalia : (Cliff) Pralines & Cream #13: in the margins, Pocky
VI. Plastic : (Cliff) White Chocolate #25: gratitude, Watermelon #27: here's what happened, Pocky
VII. Her Mother's Daughter : (Jaida) White Chocolate #4: corruption, Watermelon #18: don't come crying to me, Whipped Cream, Cherry, Cookie Crumbs
VIII. The Road to Shang (Is Paved With Perverts) : (Cyprian) Cantaloupe #24: highway robbery, Watermelon #29: it's only funny until someone gets hurt, Rocky Road #14: on the road, Whipped Cream, Pocky
IX. Five Revelations : (Ragnar, Mashiro) Watermelon #11: it tastes just like chicken, Cantaloupe #12: close shave, Hot Fudge, Whipped Cream
X. Nine Days: (Kristen) Cantaloupe #16: pecking order, Chocolate Chip Mint #20: uncomfortable, Whipped Cream
XI. Diss From a Rose : (Cyprian) Chocolate Chip Mint #16: superficial, Pocky
XII. A Night On the Town Satyr: (Jaida, Male, unrequited Jaida/Male) Chocolate Chip Mint #19: ambiguous, Blue Raspberry #28: the scenic route, Rocky Road #10: bar, Malt
XIII. Horticulture Shock : (ickle!Cyprian) Cantaloupe #9: trademark, Rocky Road #2: countryside, Rhubarb #27: stop and smell the roses, Whipped Cream, Pocky
XIV. A Bang and a Whimper : (Cyprian, Ragnar) Rhubarb 1: what's the worst that could happen?, Cantaloupe 26: bent out of shape, Chocolate Chip Mint 11: translucent, Malt, Chopped Nuts
XV. Like Someone in Love : (Cliff, Kristen, Cliff/Kristen) Rhubarb #25: you haven't changed a bit, Rocky Road #28: up in the air, Pocky, Cookie Crumbs
XVI. Single-Sentence Cliff
XVII. How Does Your Garden Grow : (Cyprian, Kristen, Cyprian/FC, Cyprian/Sorensen) Rhubarb 13: if you can't say something nice, Peanut Butter 4: earth, Rocky Road 12: classroom/dojo, Cookie Crumbs, Malt, Whipped Cream
XVIII. Flowers For Your Grave : (Cyprian, Cliff) Rhubarb #26: don't count your eggs until they hatch, Cantaloupe #3: on the market, Pocky
XIX. Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies : (ensemble) Rocky Road 11: inn/hotel, Rhubarb 14: one small step for man, Cantaloupe 30: final offer, Chopped Nuts, Butterscotch, Brownie, Cherry
XX. What a Little Moonshine Can Do : (Cliff/Kristen) FotD: vespertine, Blackberry 29: in the heat of the moment, Rhubarb 11: if the shoe fits, Pocky, Cherry
XXI. And All That Time I Was Silent Still: Blackberry 30: dead man walking, Gingerbread 15: gold from straw, Cheesecake 14: There'd be no ties of time and space to bind me, Chopped Nuts, Malt, Cherry
XXII. Silver and Gold: Blackberry 7: off the hook, Mango 22: damage control, Cheesecake 26: of course, quid pro quo, you're expected

Whose Idea Was This? : AU, written by bookblather . Someone makes a superhero movie about Cyprian and company, who are... less than pleased. 840 words.


Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlife : (Kristen, Kristen/Male) Pralines & Cream #6: cover to cover, Banana
Three Past Midnight : (Cyprian) White Chocolate #2: boredom, Pralines & Cream #23: burned out, Banana
A Truthful Man : (Mashiro, victim) Cranberry #14: death, Blue Raspberry #2: cooling off, Hot Fudge, Banana, Malt
Shock : (Jaida, goblin, souleater, dead parents) Pralines & Cream #9: baby fat, White Chocolate #11: grief, Whipped Cream, Cherry, Banana
Venus in Red : (Jaida, scared giant, Jaida/Male) Cranberry #15: temperance, Watermelon #20: my cup runneth over, Cantaloupe #2: deer in the headlights, Banana
Free Living : (Kristen, Mena) Cranberry #9: strength, Rocky Road #20: on the ground, Banana
Regret : (Cyprian) Chocolate Chip Mint #13: dazzling, Rocky Road #25: a hilltop, Banana
Sparring on the Beach to Another World : (Cliff, Jaida) Cranberry #23: swords, Chocolate Chip Mint #12: warped, Cherry, Banana
Stilted Reunion : (Kristen, Mindy Morrow, Cyprian) Chocolate Chip Mint #14: saturated, Rocky Road #1: big city, Banana, Cookie Crumbs
The Knights, c. 2116 PD : (Cliff, Selene Knight, Maevren Knight, Nadir Knight) Cantaloupe 21: silver spoon, Chocolate Chip Mint 18: ancient, Banana
Past and Future Heartache: (Jaida, Cyprian, Sorensen) Cranberry #2: the magician, Chocolate Chip Mint #7: turbulent, Cherry, Banana
This Girl is a Storm : (Jaida, axe fodder vampire) Gingerbread #14: wicked witch, Mango #14: out of my way, Blackberry #10: blood on my hands, Cherry, Banana

index, story: battle for the sun

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