Title: A Night on the Town Satyr
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun extra
Prompts: Chocolate Chip Mint 19: ambiguous, Blue Raspberry 28: the scenic route, Rocky Road 10: bar
Extra: Malt (Hat Prompt: 1. penny for your thoughts : Jaida : Because I think you're sexy)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jaida saves money by conning her way to inebriation. Some nearby roses at the bar giggle over her style and apparent choice in men, but it's Jaida who has the last laugh.
Desiderata's was a small bar on the border of the vampire and human quarters of Soonah with bad liquor and even worse tunes. Jaida could probably play a better reel, and she hadn't picked up a fiddle since she was nine. The fiddler could barely catch up with the pianist, who at least seemed to have a sense of timing. She wondered where he was hiding the metronome.
Jaida downed her Pulpy Mary and nearly gagged.
"Ooh, another one who can't hold their liquor," a rose in a nearby basket said. "This is going to be a fun night!"
Jaida glared at the flowers and sighed dramatically, but said nothing.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Said a man's voice, and Jaida turned her head and saw a god. Unfortunately, that god appeared to be Pan. She figured she could hold out for better, but snorted and said, "Please, my thoughts are worth so much more than that. Buy me a drink and we'll see."
"Okay," Pan said, his eyes never leaving Jaida's cleavage. Admittedly, it was a very attractive cleavage, but Jaida couldn't help but laugh at the man, anyway, in the safety of her mind. His eyes stayed on her chest even while he ordered her a bottle of what Jaida was sure the barkeep would call vintage wine, as it looked like since the creation of the wine he had endured the longest five years of his life.
Jaida poured the wine, took a long sip, and licked her lips in a manner that was completely wasted on the buyer. Jaida smirked and said, "You sure are taking the scenic route to my face, honey. You enjoying the trip?"
"Oh, yes," Pan said to her chest. Jaida resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew the price of his shirt - mostly because the pricetag was still attached and his shirt was on backwards - and it meant that he was loaded up to his beady little eyeballs, or at least temporarily well off enough that he wouldn't mind buying her way to Frenching-the-pavement drunkenness.
"She'll be all over him in ten minutes," a rose giggled.
Ten minutes later, and Jaida wasn't even started yet. It took instead an hour and a half later before Jaida was drunk to her satisfaction. Once she was slurring and clumsy enough that she felt she'd sucked Pan sufficiently dry of silver, she began gathering up her purse and a drink to go.
"She is completely graceless," a rose said. Another said, "She drinks like a lady - she was under the host at three, right? While Piggy here was taking a bathroom break."
"Do you think she's hammered enough that she'll pollinate with Piggy?" One asked, genuinely curious. The first said, "Her miniskirt speaks for her, and it says, "as long as he can get it up." I have an ear for these things, you see."
Jaida giggled, and anyone who was looking was treated to the sight of a beautiful blonde smiling in smug, knowing satisfaction.
"You're really going?" Pan said, eyes glinting with puppyish hope. Jaida, who had plenty of silver and knowledge of where the red light district was and therefore had no need of him, did not hide her disdainful laugh as she said, "'m really goin'. I got places to go, beds to warm. Thanks for the drinks, Pan."
"Dan," Pan said. "I - I could warm your bed."
"I like to be able to tell the species of the men I use, so yeah, you're not an option," Jaida said. She picked up a few roses from the decorative basket - missing a few times, but ultimately picking the ones she wanted - and put them in her drink.
"What's she doing?" One said, horror in its voice.
"What are you doing?" Pan said.
"Tell ya what m' doin'," Jaida said, smirking wickedly. "I heard roses tastes better with drink. Or drink with roses. Maybe. Willing to find out on 'm own."
And Jaida left the bar just the way she liked to; a broken heart behind her, devastation in her glass, and great fun (or at the very least an interesting blackout) in her future.