Title: A Bang and a Whimper
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun extra
Flavors: Rhubarb 1: what's the worst that could happen?, Cantaloupe 26: bent out of shape, Chocolate Chip Mint 11: translucent
Extra/Topping: Chopped Nuts, Malt (15. This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper : Cyprian : You've got the wrong number, so don't call me no more.)
Rating: PG
Summary: Pocky chain. One of the many possible futures: the sun rose from the wreckage of a dark and stormy night and humankind did not follow.
The sun rose from the wreckage of a dark and stormy night and humankind did not follow.
Years later, Cyprian still can't grasp it. And he does grasp, though blindly; tries to pin down the exact moment humanity lost. Cyprian knows little, but knows enough that Soonah isn't the answer.
He stares at the rainwater collecting on the windows.
The windows are translucent, and the water is transparent. If there was justice, the rain would make things clearer.
It doesn't, in any capacity.
The sun rose from the wreckage of a dark and stormy night and humankind did not follow.
* * *
There is a simple magical formula which is based upon the following: nothingness dreamed, and in so doing created life. Life dreamed, and in so doing created time. If you divide life by time, you will eventually end up with some of that potent, primordial nothingness. Cyprian thinks the same thing will happen if you multiply life by time, too.
Cyprian loves the sun, even if it now burns his skin black and smoking. It is an unfailing marker of time. Every time the sun rises, a little more of what is passes into the category of what has been.
* * *
The plants all know his name. It isn't as nice as he thought it would be as a boy. And they all know what he has done.
Needless to say, the roses offer much more interesting criticisms than their worn sniping at the color of his hair, and the begonias weep of tragic villainy whenever he approaches.
* * *
Jaida did not survive.
It felt awkward mourning her. Even in death, she didn't inspire pity. She died in a flash of electricity and metal - a drama queen to the last - and the last thing Cyprian recalls of her was a red, red smirk, and the words, "You lose, bitch."
She was partly right. Most of the vampires were shocked into dust and Kristen and Cliff lived (briefly), but the sun was lost and she missed a very important enemy.
Cyprian still remembers warm eyes unseeing as his hand, forced by glamour, slid through Kristen's chest.
He misses them both.
* * *
They find him, of course, as they do everyone.
It's Ragnar who finds him, while he is haunting an abandoned warehouse.
Cyprian was told he resembled a horror show creep, and he feels it.
"Cyprian Corvo?" Ragnar says into the darkness.
"Nobody here by that name," Cyprian says. He's taken up smoking. It amuses him. "It's just us chickens."
Ragnar smirks. "Last words?"
"Yeah," Cyprian says. "Take a step back."
Cyprian's cigarette sends all the pretty oil drums into fits. The sun was now safe, but any direct contact with burning balls of fire and no vamp stood a chance.