Title: A Moral Dilemma
Story Continuity:
Battle For the SunRating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Cliff is forced to make a decision that may cost him dearly.
Questions never scared him. I could see that he never thought they would.
His eyes met Jaida's, then Kristen's. He knew, this time, that Kris was the weakest link. He looked at Jaida again, then at me. I looked away, because I knew better. This was his choice, and ain't nothing in this world that would've made me want it.
Lies or truth? His soul...or his balls?
He breathed deep - twice for luck - then said, "Yes, Kris. That dress does make you look a little...hippy."
Kristen's shriek was heard in Shang. And our fearless leader met fear herself.