Title: What a Little Moonshine Can Do
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun Flavors: FotD: vespertine, Blackberry 29: in the heat of the moment, Rhubarb 11: if the shoe fits
Extra/Topping: Pocky, Cherry (fluffy sap)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Summary: Cliff/Kristen. It's nearly midnight when everything begins to shine. (Because I'm detoxing from a long-ish angsty story, that's why.)
Time itself blurs around them when Kristen and Cliff collapse in a giggling heap just outside town, which splendidly complements the humming cosmos in their brains.
"This is good shit," Cliff declares. Kristen giggles and says, "Oh? And you would know, would you?"
Cliff notices everything looks like the brightest reflection of moonlight on a lake.
"This is good shit," he insists, feeling Kristen smiling into his shoulder, and even alight with moonlight he can't imagine loving her more; he suddenly needs to kiss her very urgently, and under the pale, glimmering moon and stars, tonight she approves.