Title: The Road to Shang (Is Paved With Perverts)
Story Continuity:
Battle For the Sun extra
Author: darkfaerieclaw
Prompts: Cantaloupe #24: highway robbery, Watermelon #29: it's only funny until someone gets hurt, Rocky Road #14: on the road
Extra/Topping: Pocky, Whipped Cream (Cyprian is 14)
Rating: PG
Summary: It's really not young Cyprian's fault he looks like a girl, but at least he tries to defy stereotypes. Some people, on the other hand, just wallow in them.
Note: I, um. I only have as many malts as I do Blue Raspberries. It would be nice to have that many, but I don't.
Cyprian had been warned. The roads around Shang were dangerous.
For whom, he wondered, his temper sparking.
"Here, miss," the bandit said, smirking. "Your money or your life?"
Cyprian wondered if they had practiced being trite in front of a mirror. They'd certainly done extensive research.
The one with the formidably crooked nose leered at Cyprian's girlish hips. Both bandits snickered. Cyprian wondered when they would notice he didn't have boobs.
"We're reasonable men. Willing to...negotiate, that's us."
Cyprian sighed and snapped his fingers. The grass grew around the bandits and mummified and crushed them, and Cyprian walked on, humming.