Index: Miscellanea (A-G)

Jan 11, 2009 17:51

Author's choice
author's choice, author's choice, a slow, lazy, cozy morning
author's choice, author's choice, ice cream
author's choice, author's choice, full
author's choice, author's choice werewol(f/ves), not such a lone wolf
author's choice, author's choice vampire(s), hunger takes many forms
author's choice, author's choice, soon
author's choice, author's choice, the end
authors choice, authors choice/authors choice, mummy
author's choice, author's choice, silence
author's choice, authors choice/authors choice, 'i fuck with my boots on cos you fuck with my head'
Any fandom, male character/male character, doesn't feel the same anymore
author's choice, author's choice, hands
author's choice, author's choice, the end
author's choice, author's choice, "I love you." "I know." (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
Author's choice, author's choice, 'what do you want me to do? dress in drag and do the hula?' (The Lion King)
authors choice, authors choice/authors choice, when it comes to making love i ain't no hype - cos i practise on a peach most every night
author's choice, author's choice/author's choice, I thought I could handle it
author's choice, femmeslash pairing of choice, fingertip vibrators
Author's choice, author's choice/author's choice, "I don't know about tomorrow, but the future is something I do know" (Bokura no Rekishi, Sakamoto Maaya)
Author's choice, "In order to know love, you have to experience hurt" (Gift, Sakamoto Maaya)
author's choice, author's choice, "I was born to be this way."
author's choice, author's choice, shapeshifter(s)
author's choice, author's choice, wearing each other's clothes
Any fandom, male character/female character, not quite right
author's choice, author's choice, werepanthers (or other feline weres)
Author's choice, author's choice, promise
author's choice, author's choice, "please forgive me"
Author's choice, quiet footsteps
author's choice, author's choice, mistakes aren't always regrets
author's choice, forget me now
Author's choice, author's choice, human mirror
author's choice, author's choice, all those times you went away (tell me that today you'll stay)
Author's choice, author's choice, any last words?
author's choice, author's choice, "This used to be a funhouse, but now it's filled with evil clowns."
author's choice, author's choice, that shouldn't be orange
author's choice, choice/choice, superheros know how it's done
Authors choice, authors choice, Pandora's box
Authors choice, authors choice, Orpheus and Eurydice
author's choice, author's choice, buying innocence
Author's choice, author's choice, you fight 'til you fall
author's choice, author's choice, the first day of the rest of forever
author's choice, character played by Jensen Ackles(author's choice)/character played by Jared Padalecki(author's choice)Fire and ice
Author's choice, steps to the places in between
author's choice, author's choice, broken arrow/bring the rain
author's choice, do you remember the time when we fell in love?
author's choice, author's choice, Unofficial
author's choice, any nerdy character, while drunk one night they break into the large Hadron collider just because it's cool
author's choice, author's choice/author's choice, "Hey y'all, watch this!"
authors choice, any werewolf vs any vampire, the hunter and the hunted
author's choice, author's choice, you really thought I'd leave you to rot just cos I got my feelings hurt?
author's choice, "It seems safe to say that when two gay guys go on a date and each of them goes home with a hot blonde girl, something's definitely not working." (Dawson's Creek)
Author's choice, author's choice, "I know it's just a bookshelf, but...don't the instructions seem kinda. Dodgy?""
Author's choice, author's choice, The Animal Song by Savage Garden
Author's choice, author's choice, Flobot's "Handlebars"
author's choice, author's choice, I Am Stretched at Your Grave (esp by Abney Park)
Author's choice, author's choice, "Two genders? Really? I would have assumed there are at least five."
Author's choice, author's choice, 'And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest' (Hamlet
author's choice, character names Jack, evil dictator
author's choice, author's choice, snuff
Author's choice, author's choice, Affirmation by Savage Garden
Author's choice, Author's choice of genderswapped character, "You know that joke about how you wanted me to 'bear your children'? Well, I'm late."
Author’s Choice, Author’s Choice, “Don’t quit your day job.” “This is my day job!”
Author's choice, author's choice het pairing, inability to orgasm from penetration alone
Author's Choice, author's choice, "Deep Throat" (The X-Files)
Author's choice, author's choice, "Take me to bed or lose me forever" (Top Gun)
author's choice, author's choice, Cupid's arrow
Author's choice, author's choice, "The fandom made me do it!"
Author's choice, any f/f pairing, the wrong bra
Author's choice, author's choice, rainy graveyard
Author's choice, author's choice (female)/author's choice (female), Wicked Lovely.
Author's choice, author's choice, The Cat Who Moved A Mountain
author's choice, author's choice, Salty Dog
author's choice, author's choice, "It's Coming" (Heroes)
Author's choice, author's choice, "Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the hand of the man who has ruined, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister?" (Pride and Prejudice)
Author's choice, author's choice, 'Summer in the City' by Regina Spektor
author's choice (original stuff a-okay too), author's choice, summer job
author's choice, author's choice, Dispatches from the Edge
author's choice, author's choice, picnics
Author's choice, Author's choice, "...Relationships aren't into bloody details. They're not rational. They don't make sense. Then before you know it you love someone, and you can't imagine life without them, so when it's all over it still doesn't make sense. And that's why you have to hate. And that's why you hate me. And that's why I have to learn to hate you." (After the Deluge)
author's choice, author's choice, Hot for Teacher
Author's choice, author's choice, 1984
author's choice, author's choice, "I believe that whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger." (The Dark Knight)
Author's choice, author's choice, "I won't stand by and watch him die!" "Then don't watch."

Anita Blake
Anita Blake, Nathaniel/Jason, harvest moon
Anita Blake, Jason/Nathaniel, dancing for pleasure, not work

As The World Turns
ATWT, Carly/Lily, BFFs
ATWT, Carly/Lily, Holden
ATWT, Luke/Noah, Hayloft
ATWT, Katie/Henry/Brad/Vienna, just understood

Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down (Blackburn/Eversmann), payment
Black Hawk Down, Hoot/Eversmann, after
Black Hawk Down, Hoot/Eversmann, late
Black Hawk Down, Hoot/Eversmann/Blackburn, 'initiation'
Black Hawk Down, Hoot/Eversmann/Blackburn, again

Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints, Connor/Murphy, always
Boondock Saints, Connor/Murphy, redemption
Boondock Saints FP, Connor/Murphy, girls
Boondocks Saints, Connor/Murphy, silence
Boondock Saints, Murphy/Connor, shamrock
Boondock Saints, Murphy/Connor, Kiss Me I'm Irish
Boondock Saints, Connor/Murphy/Smecker, hospitality.
Boondock Saints, Connor/Murphy, "mirror, mirror on the wall..."
Boondock Saints, Connor/Murphy, Born Under a Bad Sign (SPN)

Chronicles of Narnia
Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Edmund, the words of Kings
Narnia, Peter/Edmund, King for a day

Chronicles of Riddick
Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick/Vaako, you keep what you kill
Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick/Vaako, by my side

The Covenant
The Covenant, Pogue Parry/Caleb Danvers, Sleep
The Covenant, Caleb/Pogue, protective
The Covenant, Chase/Caleb, handcuffs
The Covenant, Reid/Tyler/Pogue/Caleb, missing each other
The Covenant, Caleb/Pogue/Reid/Tyler, unusual
The Covenant, Pogue Parry/Tyler Simms, tongue
The Covenant, Tyler Simms/Pogue Parry, motorbike
The Covenant, Reid/Tyler, burn out
The Covenant, Pogue Parry/Tyler Simms, Witch Child
The Covenant, Chase/Tyler, black-hearted
The Covenant, Caleb/Pogue, such a tease

Dads Army
Dads Army, Pte. Joe Walker/Pte. Frank Pike, on the black market

Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, author's choice/author's choice, "warm laundry"
Dr. Horrible's sing along blog, Billy/authors choice, don't feel a thing
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy/author's choice, time travel
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy (pairing optional, author's choice), every evil genius has a pet cat
Dr.Horrible, Dr.Horrible/Cap. Hammer, Spork.
Dr.Horrible, Dr.Horrible/Penny, A whole new world from Aladdin.
Dr.Horrible, Dr. Horrible/Penny, "A whole new world."
Dr. Horrible's sing along blog, Penny/Billy, frozen yogurt
Doctor Horrible's sing-along-blog, author's choice, Penny never died
Dr. Horrible, Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer, college flashback
Dr Horrible, Captain Hammer/Billy, nightmare, "I told you, I'd take everything from you that you ever wanted, why did you think your virginity would be any different? But don't worry... I know you like pain."
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy/Penny, AU: She never realized until her first date with him how much other people terrified him. She knew then, he just wanted to go home.
Dr. Horrible, Billy/OMC, "Maybe I was a slut and I didn't know it." Why Billy wears oversized clothing
Dr. Horrible's sing along blog, Billy/author's choice, feeling blue
Dr. Horrible, Billy/Hammer (you get to make up Hammer's real name), in the playground 'I'll protect you'
Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog, Billy/Captain Hammer, AU Captain Hammer discovers Billy's been doing male prostitution between heists to pay his tuition bills from earning his PhD
Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog, Billy/Penny, AU Billy's attempt to kill Captain Hammer is enough to get him committed to a mental hospital, Penny visits.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy/Penny, Frozen yogurt is how I say I love you.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy/OMC, Post Act III - "He tasted like whiskey, Red Bull, and despair. 'Make me forget her,' he said, 'I know that's what you're paid for'."
Dr. Horrible, Billy/Penny, AU Comfy oversized chair and afternoon naps.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Hammer/girl!Horrible, Captain Hammer is a ladies man after all.
Dr. Horrible, Penny/Billy, He was her bitch and didn't mind at all.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Billy/Penny, Hoodie of the Month Club
Dr. Horrible, Billy/Penny, Dislocated shoulder. Penny's reaction to seeing Billy's arm in a sling again
Dr. Horrible, Penny/Sub!Billy, Dom/Sub relationship... AU... She had wept when he begged her to tie him to the bed the first time. It freaked her out how much easier it got after that
Dr. Horrible, Billy/Penny, He was out of change for his laundry... here, she said... and that was their first magical meeting.
Dr. Horrible's sinaglong Blog/Rent, Billy/Mark, because I'm the one of us to survive
Dr Horrible, Hammer/Horrible, don't ask
Dr. Horrible, Billy, masturbation
Dr. Horrible, Billy/Penny, Stalker
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Hammer/Horrible, Obvious (one of the groupies)
Dr. Horrible, Horrible/Hammer, He always fantasized about being tortured and fucked by a mad scientist. Cute widdle (but not in that way, puberty had blessed him) Billy would just have to do
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Horrible/Hammer, Humility or learning not to brag.
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, Hammer/Horrible, The press went wild.

Entourage, Vince/E, business suits
Entourage, E/Vince, elegantly wasted
Entourage, Vince/E, fifty thousand dollar watch
Entourage, Vince/E, submission

Fantastic 4 (movie)
Fantastic 4 (movie), Johnny/Silver Surfer, sexuality
Fantastic 4 (movie), Silver Surfer/Johnny, lonely
Fantastic Four(movie), Human Torch/Silver Surfer, Back for more?
Fantastic Four(movie) Johnny/Norrin, author's choice
The Fantastic Four (movieverse), Reed/Johnny, glance

The Fast and the Furious 'Verse
The Fast and the Furious, Brian/Dom, LA heat wave
The Fast and the Furious 1, Brian/Dom, not everything should be over in 10 seconds
The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian, shop talk
The Fast and the Furious, Brian/Dom, forget about the past
The Fast and the Furious 1, Brian/Dom, all kinds of family
Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian, replay
The Fast and the Furious 1, Brian/Dom, clean slate
The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian/Letty, bad puppy
Fast and Furious (film 4), Brian/Dom, 'you should grow your hair out again'
The Fast and the Furious (film 1), Brian/Dom, a ten-second car and a pretty boy
The Fast and the Furious (franchise), Dominic/Brian, (any pov), I never would have guessed...

Friends, Monica/Chandler, growing up
Friends, Ross/Rachel, make it last
Friends, Chandler/Joey, Chandler sleeps with Joey in London instead of Monica
Friends, Joey/girl!Chandler, "How you doin'?"
Friends, Joey/girl!Chandler, to be used as a mantra - must resist temptation!
Friends, Monica/boy!Rachel, after all these years
Friends, boy!Pheobe/author's choice, "If I worked in stocks, then I'd have to live in a box and only eat lox and have a pet fox..."
Friends, Joey/girl!Chandler, Chandler's the only girl Joey keeps going back to

Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights, Tim Riggins/Julie Taylor, Unexpected

Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jess, I thought of you and where you'd gone
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jess, I'm still waiting there
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jess, burning in your embrace
Gilmore Girls, Dean (Forester)/Lorelai, dom!Lorelai and puppy!Dean
Gilmore girls Dean Forrestier/Tristan Du grey Rimming
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Dean, futurefic, "No, you cannot give our four year old coffee!"

Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl, author's choice/author's choice, author's choice
Gossip Girl, Chuck/author's choice, "I like to live in an altered state/it makes me love all the things I hate" Altered State by Teddy Thompson
Gossip Girl, Blair/Dan, late nights
Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, the time has come
Gossip Girl, Blair/Dan, ink
Gossip Girl, Serena/Blair, the wrong bra

Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy, Cristina/Owen, first time
Grey's Anatomy, Mark/Derek, surgical gown
Grey's Anatomy, Mark/Derek, chief.
Grey's Anatomy, Denny/Bomb Guy, Time
Grey's Anatomy, Mark/Derek, school.
Grey's Anatomy, Alex Karev/Mark Sloan, dead people

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