Saturday Free For All

Jan 31, 2009 08:15

Pardon my lateness, I completely over slept!

So let's get to it shall we? Anything goes today, of course - any fandom or crossover, any pairing or grouping, any prompt.

Please help the code monkeys maintain their sanity and remember to format your prompts:
For a single fandom: Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: Leverage, Eliot/Nate, distance

For a crossover: Fandom/Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: Buffy/SPN, Faith/Dean/Sam, improvise

And remember, there's lots of lonely prompts looking for some love, so if nothing on today's list tickles your muses, head on over to the Lonely Prompts section. The Lonely Prompts section has grown, so scroll down the page, past the indexes, to find the list.

So, go forth and prompt! Write!

fandoms: smallville, fandoms: stargate sg-1, prompts: rps: lotrips, fandoms: lotr, prompts: original, fandoms: burn notice, fandoms: doctor who, prompts: crack, prompts: rps: misc, fandoms: ncis, prompts: supernatural, prompts: rps: cw rps, prompts: threesomes, fandoms: boondock saints, prompts: het: bsg rpf, prompts: slash, prompts: kink/fetish, fandoms: criminal minds, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: dark angel, fandoms: pysch, prompts: rps: sga/sg-1, fandoms: being human, prompts: free for all, fandoms: csi, fandoms: numb3rs, fandoms: btvs/ats, prompts: rps: bsg, fandoms: chuck, fandoms: the sentinel, fandoms: torchwood, prompts: het: misc rpf, prompts: het: cw rpf, fandoms: stargate atlantis, prompts: heroes, prompts: het: lotr rpf, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: reaper, fandoms: bones, fandoms: battlestar galactica, fandoms: merlin, prompts: rps: lost, prompts: misc, prompts: het, prompts: crossovers, !lonely prompts, fandoms: x-files, prompts: one word, prompts: scifi centric, prompts: authors choice, fandoms: harry potter, prompts: femme, prompts: rps: kane, fandoms: forever knight

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