Monday: Past Lives

May 24, 2009 23:48

Hello, all. *waves* I'm jade_starlight and I'll be your Guest Host for the week. It may be a little early, but as I'm heading to bed I wanted to go ahead and get the post up. *g*

We're starting the week with past lives, either events that take place pre-canon or the more common definition, a life lived in a time period before the canon life. What did your characters do before we first saw them? Were they Roman senators or cowboys in another life? Go crazy.

Please think about our wonderful codemonkeys and use the correct format (the second is for crossovers).

Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Fandom1/Fandom2, Pairing, Prompt

BSG, Lee/Kara, flight school
SG1/SGA, Cam/John, the old west

And remember not to post more than 3 prompts in a row. If a prompt is answered, you can prompt again later in the day.

If you don't see anything you like, you can always Adopt a Lonely Prompt.
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