Friday Free For All

May 01, 2009 08:14

So, here we are. May 1st. Where has the year gone?
But, more importantly than that, it's Friday. Which can mean only one thing... It's time for FRIDAY FREE FOR ALL!!

Yup, you got it. Anything and everything goes. Any fandom, any pairing, any crossover, any prompt.

Just make sure to be nice to this codellama and her fellow codemonkeys by leaving your prompts in the proper format

For a single fandom: Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: RPS, Chris/Steve, "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you"

For a crossover: Fandom/Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: The A-Team/Leverage, team centric, 'If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...'

Don't forget that we have a lot of lonely prompts, so if you're not being inspired today, you can always adopt one of those
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