Apr 02, 2009 00:00

Today's theme today is going to be Memory, so you might want to write about characters remembering things or people they've left behind or lost; trying to forget some mistake or sin or embarrassing moment; trying to keep a cherished memory fresh, trying to recall (or forget) a lesson; experience, dream, or pain. You could also write about the memories that a certain thing, experience, place, or sense evokes. Be as literal or as creative as you like. Any fandom, any pairing.

Please follow the following formats (the second is for crossovers) in your requests in order to help the code-monkeys:

Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Fandom1/Fandom2, Pairing, Prompt

Some examples might be:

24, Jack/Tony, Take the shot.
Lie to Me, Ria Torres/Eli Loker, trust
Buffy/SPN, Spike/Dean, back seat of the Impala

You may leave as many prompts as you'd like as long as they're one prompt per comment, and you can write in response to your own prompts.

If you don't see any prompts today that wake up your muses, then please check out the Lonely Prompts index for inspiration.

Most of all, have fun!!!

PS - Thanks for letting me host this week. I've enjoyed it. ^_^
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