Friday Free For All

Jan 23, 2009 05:27

Welcome, boys and girls, to your first Friday Free For All. It's been another fabulous week - the turn out each day seems to be better and better!

Let's keep the ball rolling, shall we? Anything goes today, of course - any fandom or crossover, any pairing or grouping, any prompt.

Please help the code monkeys maintain their sanity and remember to format your prompts:
For a single fandom: Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: Supernatural, Sam/Dean, cursed handcuff

For a crossover: Fandom/Fandom, Pairing, Prompt
Example: Burn Notice/Leverage, Eliot/Michael, old friends

And if nothing's jumping up and catching your attention, feel free to head on over to our Lonely Prompts section.

So, go forth and prompt! Write! And I have a happy Friday!

fandoms: smallville, fandoms: stargate sg-1, prompts: rps: lotrips, fandoms: lotr, prompts: original, fandoms: burn notice, fandoms: doctor who, prompts: crack, prompts: rps: misc, fandoms: ncis, prompts: supernatural, prompts: rps: cw rps, prompts: threesomes, fandoms: boondock saints, prompts: het: bsg rpf, prompts: slash, prompts: kink/fetish, fandoms: criminal minds, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: dark angel, fandoms: pysch, prompts: rps: sga/sg-1, fandoms: being human, prompts: free for all, fandoms: csi, fandoms: numb3rs, fandoms: btvs/ats, prompts: rps: bsg, fandoms: chuck, fandoms: the sentinel, fandoms: torchwood, prompts: het: misc rpf, prompts: het: cw rpf, fandoms: stargate atlantis, prompts: heroes, prompts: het: lotr rpf, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: reaper, fandoms: bones, fandoms: battlestar galactica, fandoms: merlin, prompts: rps: lost, prompts: misc, prompts: het, prompts: crossovers, !lonely prompts, fandoms: x-files, prompts: one word, prompts: scifi centric, prompts: authors choice, fandoms: harry potter, prompts: femme, prompts: rps: kane, fandoms: forever knight

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