Title: "Catalyst" (Part Fifty-Nine) Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic) Series: Claimed Universe Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.
*starts the nervous pacing* I don't know how the boys can do it. I'm already nervous and twitchy. Everything's going to be okay. I just keep telling myself that.
I appreciate the light banter upon entering this process. It helped keep everything's nerves from overloading. It wasn't just for Orlando's benefit. Can't say I'm comfortable with all this but it does hold one's attention.
Orlando calls out for Harry first not Karl. As it should be but it's still remarkable. That was fast too. That bodes well for our sweet. irresistable Orlando.
Leave it to Viggo to throw in something new at the last minute. Blind? You just want to thump him upside the head.
Comments 18
Orlando calls out for Harry first not Karl. As it should be but it's still remarkable. That was fast too. That bodes well for our sweet. irresistable Orlando.
Leave it to Viggo to throw in something new at the last minute. Blind? You just want to thump him upside the head.
And honestly, I don't think anyone would have Viggo any other way, even when he's springing new information on everyone else.
*paces nervously*
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