Title: "Catalyst" (Part Fifty-Six) Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic) Series: Claimed Universe Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.
So, did they or did they not decide to stock-pile the sex for Orlando's dry spell? Or are they just going to have lots of really serious talks that will end with long sweaty comfort sessions.
There's at least one thing that Karl doesn't know about Harry. speaking of which, Sean is turning into the Dear Abby of the vampire community.
I did feel badly for Josh and Orlando, but it was a good lesson that Harry taught Orlando. All the little things... makes you wonder just how much he has yet to learn.
Glad that Harry opened up. Josh is good for seeing things more objectively.
Well, Orlando took the news of Harry's reluctance better than I thought. Trust Josh to get right to the heart of the matter. Just loved his suggestion that the three have sex so Orlando will have fond memories during his recuperation. Think Harry and Karl will do it? Stupid question. Of course they would. :D
Comments 6
There's at least one thing that Karl doesn't know about Harry. speaking of which, Sean is turning into the Dear Abby of the vampire community.
And there's quite a bit Karl doesn't know about Harry. And there are things Harry doesn't know about Karl. I think that's a good thing, to be honest.
Glad that Harry opened up. Josh is good for seeing things more objectively.
I do hope we get to see the sex marathons! :D
Trust Josh to get right to the heart of the matter. Just loved his suggestion that the three have sex so Orlando will have fond memories during his recuperation.
Think Harry and Karl will do it? Stupid question. Of course they would. :D
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