Title: "Catalyst" (Part Fifty) Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic) Series: Claimed Universe Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.
THAT was a very educational talk. I think Sean really got through it Orlando. Now, is he equally as good with TLC. I'd like to see Orli with Sean after all they do sort of share someone even if Sean and Harry keep that a complete secret.
Sorry, but Sean & Orlando's time together is just between them (and Dom). The important thing is that Orlando's dealing with his reaction to his emotions & also learning how to articulate what he's feeling.
I'm with Dom. I'd love to see the free porn that Orli and Sean would make. Sean does seem to be the sane one of the group doesn't he? Well he and Viggo. I really think Sean went a long way in easing Orlando's fears.
Sorry, but Sean & Orlando (and Dom) never told me or Jo what happened after they left the house. But I'm sure you can imagine that it was fun for everyone involved. :)
Sean saving the situation again! Karl and Harry should pay him like consulting company, they are lucky he is not charging them, they would loose a great part of their fortune! :)
Sean wouldn't would he? He has been truly a friend to Orlando tonight, but would he make love to Orli? Would Orlando even let himself be used by Sean?
And Sean was so helpful, explaining the lack of bonding with Harry, helping Orlando face his fear/dislike of women. I also think such an act by Sean would endanger his friendship/relationship with Harry. Since there is no true/complete pet bond between Harry and Orlando, even though Orlando himself is a vampire, could he and would he indulge in a 'one night stand' with Sean?
Sean would if it was something Orlando wanted. As he told him there at the end, nothing happened that Orlando didn't want. And trust me, Orlando didn't see it all as Sean using him. :)
Hopefully the next part eases your fears about it endangering Harry & Sean's relationship in any way. :)
Comments 13
And Sean was so helpful, explaining the lack of bonding with Harry, helping Orlando face his fear/dislike of women. I also think such an act by Sean would endanger his friendship/relationship with Harry. Since there is no true/complete pet bond between Harry and Orlando, even though Orlando himself is a vampire, could he and would he indulge in a 'one night stand' with Sean?
Hope not.
Hopefully the next part eases your fears about it endangering Harry & Sean's relationship in any way. :)
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