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    ciela_night Sep 22, 2006 16:32

    Huh. Turns out I've hurt my shoulder worse than I thought. Last night was painful. I was up practically all night, and then finally was able to get some sleep after having a hot shower at four o'clock. And then I had to get up for my eight-thirty class. After an indication like that, I went to athletic therapy to see if they could do anything. ( Read more... )

    rl, swimming

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    ciela_night Sep 21, 2006 19:55

    Time management. Yeah, something I need to look into ( Read more... )
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    ciela_night Sep 14, 2006 21:17

    Okay- there is this game we have going in our residence. We have competitions between suites (which each have 4 people) and we just got a word game type of puzzle ( Read more... )
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    ciela_night Sep 12, 2006 21:31

    It's kind of funny how they do the journalism program at Carleton. They let 200+ people in for first year and then tell you the first day that they're going to cut the class in half for second year. They don't exactly say "Take a look at the person beside you, chances are by this time next year either you or them or both of you will be gone" but ( Read more... )
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    ciela_night Sep 07, 2006 22:03

    Finally, internet access at school ( Read more... )


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