*blows off dust*

Nov 28, 2006 21:50

Hello? Anyone still here? :)

Yeah- it's been an interesting semester. My Spanish professor told me today if I wanted to, she could make room in her SPAN 3605 class for me. I considered it for a second, and then realized that I would be crazy to do a semester like this again if I didn't have to (like I did this semester).

Overloading courses + Journalism = crazy, stressed out Gillian. You can see how busy I am by how much tv I've missed. :P 3 weeks behind on Grey's and Heroes, 5 weeks behind on Veronica Mars, 7 episodes behind on Prison Break... the only show I'm up-to-date on is Supernatural, and that's with a concentrated effort.

So let's see what's happened since I last updated... er, not much really. The only big thing I've done in the last while is my weekend in Toronto when I went to see Wicked (which was awesome btw). The rest is the usual swim practices, swim meets, volunteering at OCTC school again, and then work, work, work.

Oh- I'm also going to see Snow Patrol in Montreal on March 30th! Shelley (my roommate) and I booked our tickets today. Only $33. *smug*

Hum, only four days left of class. Only three more Journalism stories to pass in, and two Spanish movie reviews to finish. I can do it... Speaking of Spanish movies- can someone recommend one that isn't either:
a) depressing where everyone kills themselves
b) filled with explicit sex (of both hetero/homosexual nature)
c) extremely confusing with its plot

I don't mind these things normally, but it would be nice to watch something with a happy ending.

The movies I've seen so far: Y Tu Mama Tambien, La Mala Educacion, Plata Que Marda, and I'm in the middle of watching Volver.

Anyway, I should try to write something before I head off to bed 'cause I have early morning swim practice at 6 a.m. and then I'm off to the Provincial Courthouse to do my court-reporting story.

I'm home on the 14th, so I can't wait to see everybody then!


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