(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 21:31

It's kind of funny how they do the journalism program at Carleton. They let 200+ people in for first year and then tell you the first day that they're going to cut the class in half for second year. They don't exactly say "Take a look at the person beside you, chances are by this time next year either you or them or both of you will be gone" but that was their basic message.

Which now that I think about it, is very Grey's Anatomy of them, heh. Then they proceed to make you wish you had never entered journalism with all the boring history lectures, impossible news quizzes and generally hard (but also boring) assignments.

But now I can say that I passed that year and am now a full-fledged journalism student!

*pile of work comes crashing down*

I had my first class yesterday, and I have a story due tomorrow. Two of my suitemates are in Law and they were complaining about their first essay due in November.

Me, I have stories and assignments due every week from now until the end of the year.

I'm both excited (I actually get to do real journalism this year, yay!) and scared (OMG, the stress!). This year is going to be interesting.

Oooh! And I also get to buy a voice recorder for doing interviews. Very professional. *nods*


Why yes, I am procrasinating on my story. ;)
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