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Comments 82

dark_puck January 10 2010, 02:42:25 UTC
Gohan-chan and Piccalo-san; training.

Prince Ozai; "OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAND" (because someone had to be a smartass and it might as well be me.)

Tien; readying for battle.

Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle."


Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle." beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 05:33:07 UTC
Dragonball and DragonballZ are such weird shows sometimes.


Song sneezed.

Teo and Mai both tensed as Song's hair turned black. The young woman sneered at both of them and reached back to yank out the tie holding her braid together.

"June," Teo squeaked. "Nice to see you again, it's been a while-"

Mai reached for the pepper.

Needles flashed in June's hands only for a moment, striking out through the air in thin slivers of silver. "Don't even, Mai. Where are my guns?"

Mai looked boredly at the needles pinning her sleeve to the table, wrapped her hands around the pepperpot, and flung it in June's face.

Teo winced at the explosion of sneezes as the woman's hair flashed between brown and black. The pepper-cloud slowly faded, and it was Song standing there, breath catching for one last sneeze.

Mai moved fast, wrapping her arms around Song and stealing her breath with a kiss before she could transform again ( ... )


Re: Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle." dark_puck January 10 2010, 05:35:50 UTC
....so I think I love you.

Like... lots.

That's awesome, it really is.


Mai, readying for battle beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 03:13:43 UTC
The skies of that world were clouded, though Mai couldn't say for certain that it wasn't smoke darkening the skies. The world seemed empty of life, save for the four of them, empty and broken. Walls stood in tatters if they stood at all, and vast holes gaped in the ground to reveal levels of city going on forever below. A great chasm was off to their right.

Everywhere, there were bodies. Bodies with tails, bodies without. Heads punched clean through by energy, fragments of bone and spatters of blood, carnage.

Teo hovered close by her side, eyes darting all around. Jet strode through confidently, loudly stating how his power could handle any Saiyans they might find. While Mai agreed that she and him together could more than handle any trouble that might rear its head, she did wish he would shut up.

Bato brought up the rear, quiet and watchful.

"Where is everyone?" Jet demanded. "Are they all dead? What's the point of sending us here to train if there's no one to fight ( ... )


weirdlet January 10 2010, 03:05:01 UTC
Oh my- now I have to try and remember DBZ and the fun bits- umm...

Prince Ozai, dying at Frieza's hands.

Dende- and Gohan-equivelents, playing?


The Death of Prince Ozai beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 21:25:34 UTC
Ozai throws everything he has at Frieza. He is not fast enough to land a blow. Every one of thousands of energy blasts, each carefully aimed at where the cold tyrant flies, misses. His greatest attack, an outpouring of the kind of ki he had never had before the fight on Earth, an attack that would have vaporized the world if it struck-

Frieza kicks it aside.

Ozai has nothing left.

He doesn't even try to dodge when Frieza launches himself up to attack.


Re: The Death of Prince Ozai weirdlet January 13 2010, 21:32:09 UTC

Always did hate Frieza. He was just so smug about it.


Re: The Death of Prince Ozai beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 21:40:16 UTC
Vegeta's death at Frieza's hands is one of the most brutal, vicious sequences in the entire series. *just rewatched it for research purposes* *whimpers*


suzukiblu January 10 2010, 03:11:31 UTC
YAY. \o/ . . . and dammit, now I wish I remembered DBZ better so I could truly take advantage of this meme. << Well, for the moment!

- Ursa meets Mirai Zuko.

- Piandao. Sokka. FULL MOON, BB. >:DDD

*sits on other two until she gets her memory properly functional*


Piandao. Sokka. FULL MOON, BB. beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 19:41:56 UTC
Piandao is too damn Zen sometimes. Or I'm too cold.


The boy has curled up asleep, his arms wrapped tight around him, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his monkey-brown tail curled over his body. He's still not sure about the mesa he's stuck on, but Hakoda has been letting his wife spoil the boy.

He'll get down. Or he'll starve to death.

Piandao would prefer that he got down as the boy had too much potential to waste in a needless death, but Sokka would never learn to harness that power if he didn't overcome his fear of, well, everything.

The moon is bright and full, and the green warrior closes his eyes to meditate.


The boy wakes up sometime during the night, and Piandao notices immediately, roused by the change in the boy's ki-levels.

The boy doesn't do anything particularly interesting until he turns to stare at the full moon, babbling in soft wonder at the sight of it. Heh. Apparently he's never seen one before. What else has Hakoda been sheltering him from, Piandao wonders ( ... )


Re: Piandao. Sokka. FULL MOON, BB. suzukiblu January 10 2010, 21:18:45 UTC
FWAH. \o/



And once again, the bad guy saves the day way more effectively than the good guys. Clearly Piandao should give lessons.


Re: Piandao. Sokka. FULL MOON, BB. spyridona January 10 2010, 22:02:44 UTC
Surfers disagree with you. D:


spyridona January 10 2010, 03:16:32 UTC
* 17, 18, and 16 have their little road trip. Hi-jinks! Bonus for 17 teasing his 'sister' about her crush on 'Krillian'.

* Urzai - Pity sex. Often.


Androids: Roadtripping! beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 05:55:46 UTC
"There's a car!" Aang said brightly, angling down in a slow descent. Toph grumped and turned to follow after her brother, and Haru followed them both.

It wasn't really a car so much as a van, which was all right by Aang. It was the first set of wheels they'd seen since they'd left Dr. Gero's laboratory, and he wasn't going to keep flying to look for something better when this was right here.

Besides, if they kept flying, they'd get to Son Hakoda's house in, what, half an hour? Then they'd kill him, kill everyone defending him, and boringAang set down on the road, idly noting the two humans bundled up for the mountain winter inside the rest stop. He didn't pay them any mind, though, just opened up the van to peer inside ( ... )


Re: Androids: Roadtripping! spyridona January 10 2010, 06:07:26 UTC
Angelface! I like that as Toph's nickname to pretty-pretty Haru. I see him being taller than he is in canon. *strokes Haru.*

I like how Aang seems VERY Aang despite the fact he isn't a pacifist in this. The whole desire to fuck around before doing what he has to do is a perfect fit for a 17 fusion.

And while the girly bits might not seem to fit at first, arrogant 18 and Toph mesh nicely. Though I'm not sure if she'd take a fall in a tournament to prove she's the strongest for Money...


Bonus: The Breakup beckyh2112 January 11 2010, 22:47:36 UTC
"How was your date with Jin?" Ursa asked sweetly, elbows-deep in upgrades to Ozai's gravity chamber. The Saiyan prince had not been pleased to find himself summarily evicted this morning. Ursa, however, had been even less pleased with where Jet had been last night, and her yelling won the day against silken menace.

Jet smiled easily as he bent over her work, chewing on a bit of grass. "Nice."

The man had no survival instinct, Ursa decided. Because that was exactly the wrong thing to say.


The sound of yelling caught Ozai's ears. The Earth woman. Again. Must she accompany her anger with volume all the damn time? He could hear her quite well enough even this far away.

As he listened, it belatedly occurred to Ozai that she wasn't yelling at him.

He blinked. Such a novelty had to be investigated.


Jet liked it when Ursa yelled. It made her eyes flash and her chest heave, it made her blood rise, it made her spark. She was beautiful, and when it was done, she'd still have all kinds of energy to accept his apologies with ( ... )


plazmah January 10 2010, 03:21:14 UTC
and Piandao and Sokka make an adorable Piccolo and Gohan


Prince Ozai and Son Hakoda; eating contest.


spyridona January 10 2010, 03:26:22 UTC
The squeal I let out reading this terrified my cat.


plazmah January 10 2010, 03:45:17 UTC
Hahaha, this makes me happy. :)


Prince Ozai and Son Hakoda, eating contest, sort of kind of maybe beckyh2112 January 11 2010, 23:52:00 UTC
Kya likes to cook. No, that's putting it too simply. Kya lives to cook - she cooks when she's happy over Sokka doing well in school or Hakoda winning another tournament, she cooks when she's ready to cry over Hakoda dying, she cooks when she's furious at Sokka for sneaking off with Piandao again...

She cooks when Ozai comes by on the pretext of being dragged along by Ursa so Zuko and Katara can play together. Because she knows Ursa damn well, and the extent of Ursa's cooking is egg-drop soup. It's good for a Saiyan to have a meal made by hand rather than ordered in.

This is the first time Hakoda has been alive when Ursa comes around with her Saiyans. He is... not pleased to see Ozai in his house. Ozai, of course, is smirking and hanging about underfoot like he never does when Hakoda isn't here.

Kya sighs and goes to make a lot of food.


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