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dark_puck January 10 2010, 02:42:25 UTC
Gohan-chan and Piccalo-san; training.

Prince Ozai; "OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAND" (because someone had to be a smartass and it might as well be me.)

Tien; readying for battle.

Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle."


Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle." beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 05:33:07 UTC
Dragonball and DragonballZ are such weird shows sometimes.


Song sneezed.

Teo and Mai both tensed as Song's hair turned black. The young woman sneered at both of them and reached back to yank out the tie holding her braid together.

"June," Teo squeaked. "Nice to see you again, it's been a while-"

Mai reached for the pepper.

Needles flashed in June's hands only for a moment, striking out through the air in thin slivers of silver. "Don't even, Mai. Where are my guns?"

Mai looked boredly at the needles pinning her sleeve to the table, wrapped her hands around the pepperpot, and flung it in June's face.

Teo winced at the explosion of sneezes as the woman's hair flashed between brown and black. The pepper-cloud slowly faded, and it was Song standing there, breath catching for one last sneeze.

Mai moved fast, wrapping her arms around Song and stealing her breath with a kiss before she could transform again ( ... )


Re: Song; "It'll hurt more if you struggle." dark_puck January 10 2010, 05:35:50 UTC
....so I think I love you.

Like... lots.

That's awesome, it really is.


Mai, readying for battle beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 03:13:43 UTC
The skies of that world were clouded, though Mai couldn't say for certain that it wasn't smoke darkening the skies. The world seemed empty of life, save for the four of them, empty and broken. Walls stood in tatters if they stood at all, and vast holes gaped in the ground to reveal levels of city going on forever below. A great chasm was off to their right.

Everywhere, there were bodies. Bodies with tails, bodies without. Heads punched clean through by energy, fragments of bone and spatters of blood, carnage.

Teo hovered close by her side, eyes darting all around. Jet strode through confidently, loudly stating how his power could handle any Saiyans they might find. While Mai agreed that she and him together could more than handle any trouble that might rear its head, she did wish he would shut up.

Bato brought up the rear, quiet and watchful.

"Where is everyone?" Jet demanded. "Are they all dead? What's the point of sending us here to train if there's no one to fight ( ... )


Re: Mai, readying for battle dark_puck January 18 2010, 01:54:25 UTC
Wow. This is beautiful, and so painful. Poor guys. *sends them cuddles*


Sokka and Piandao, training beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 03:37:35 UTC
The boy has potential. The boy has a lot of potential.

The boy only shows his true potential on nights of the full moon when he's busy trying to destroy the earth.

Piandao has a headache. The Saiyans are going to be here in a month, and he has no idea if the boy will be ready by then.

"You said you weren't going to use your eye-lasers," Sokka says crossly, arms folded as he glares up at Piandao.

"What makes you think your enemy will abide by such an agreement in battle?"

Sokka scowls but does not object.

"Come at me, as hard as you can." Piandao charges his sword with ki again. "You won't destroy your enemies if you fight them with such little care as you fight me."

"But Master Piandao, you aren't the enemy," Sokka says, blue eyes puzzled.

Piandao worries that that might be the problem. Sokka has not faced a true enemy yet, and he is still so far from someone Piandao would send against Hakoda, much less the estimated power of the two Saiyans.

He hopes that potential locked inside the boy will keep him alive.


Re: Sokka and Piandao, training dark_puck January 18 2010, 01:55:24 UTC
God help everyone when Sokka-chan cuts loose.

Poor Piandao.


Prince Ozai; 'Over nine thousaaaaaand!" beckyh2112 January 17 2010, 22:49:12 UTC
The Earthlings are stronger than Ozai expects. A year ago, this pitiful little planet had a hard time dealing with Mongke. Six Saibaman, each on part with the fallen Saiyan in terms of power, should have been enough to deal with them. Zhao wouldn't have to get his hands bloody, much less Ozai himself ( ... )


Re: Prince Ozai; 'Over nine thousaaaaaand!" dark_puck January 17 2010, 22:52:51 UTC
Oh, Ozai. You're an incredible Vegeta. Only without the screaming. Poor earthfolk.


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