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Comments 82

moonylala January 10 2010, 05:32:04 UTC
can I have one with Ursa, Ozai, Azula and Zuko? (I'm dying to know who Azula is in DBZ vers. Would it be Bra?)


Bonus: Azula beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 18:55:06 UTC
Azula wants to become a Super-Saiyan. Her older brother is a Super-Saiyan, her father is a second-level Super-Saiyan, Son Katara is a Super-Saiyan, Son Sokka is THE Super-Saiyan, Son Hakoda is... Well, he's dead right now but everyone agrees that he could do something even beyond what her father could do.

Not that she believes them. Her father is the strongest warrior in the universe.

(Son Sokka is the strongest in the universe, period, but he doesn't count because he doesn't want to be a warrior.)

Just because she has hair like her mother's doesn't mean she'll be weak like Zuko. She will be stronger than him, stronger than Katara, stronger than-

As strong as her father.

(Never stronger than Sokka, how can anyone in the world be stronger than Sokka without breaking the world?)


Re: Bonus: Azula moonylala January 11 2010, 07:14:43 UTC
awesome, and i love the not-quite hero worship of sokka going on here too


Re: Bonus: Azula beckyh2112 January 11 2010, 13:42:56 UTC
Eh, it's not so much hero-worship as acceptance of how god-damn powerful Sokka is. By the end of DragonballZ, Gohan can't power up fully without destroying the Earth, so...


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beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 05:57:06 UTC
"Lemme talk to you while I'm dead and butt-naked"? Like, when Goku was fighting Frieza, or am I remembering something else?


Fusion: Hakoda and Ozai beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 04:32:18 UTC
"Hell to the no."

Hakoda sighed. "I meant to do this with Sokka, you know."

"That's still entirely a valid option," Ozai said, all silken menace despite the roar of golden energy about him.

Hakoda sighed again and gestured with the earring he wasn't wearing. "It's going to destroy the world, Ozai. We need to stop it. Get our children back-"

"If it means joining with you, body and mind, I'd rather they die."

Hakoda bit back a snarl. Damn stubborn Saiyan prince! "Get Ursa back."

Ozai's green eyes flashed, and he snatched the earring from Hakoda's hand. "I loathe you," he hissed as he affixed it to his ear.


Fusion: Zuko and Katara beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 04:38:22 UTC
He- She- The Super-Saiyan smiles. The Super-Saiyan is lithe and androgynous, and Sokka cannot pick out where his sister ends and Zuko begins.

The Super-Saiyan is all tanned skin, golden hair, green eyes, vast amounts of overconfidence that can't come from Zuko but seem really weird to be coming from Katara.

The new trick is pretty impressive, Sokka has to admit, as they exchange blows. But given they were still both on the first level of Super Saiyan, and he had a whole 'nother level locked away in his head someplace-

Also, the Super-Saiyan needed to learn when to shut up.


floranna January 10 2010, 07:39:42 UTC

I honestly don't remember much and I had to check what the hell is Mirai, but...

Mirai Zuko and Ozai have a chat.

Mirai Zuko being the regular failko around Son Hakoda.


beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 17:35:15 UTC
Mirai Zuko being the regular failko around Son Hakoda.

If there is a possible way to interpret this other than pairing-wise, I would like to hear it.


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Re: ::pokes head in:: beckyh2112 January 10 2010, 18:36:32 UTC
I use 'failko' for a pretty specific thing: Zuko with girls. And Floranna asks for Zuko/Hakoda a lot. So I'd rather she clarify for me.


spyridona January 10 2010, 18:53:44 UTC
Son Hakoda - We know that Goku loves the fight, and often puts it before family. But Hakoda's character in AtLA he puts family before so many other things. So? ANGST. Family and fighting and trying to keep family more important, despite the call for competition and combat. My suggestion would be when Hakoda is on Yardrat (http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Instant_Transmission).


Son Hakoda beckyh2112 January 12 2010, 00:24:49 UTC
"My ship needs to be fixed. I need to get home," Hakoda explains for the dozenth time to one of the little mauve aliens.

It warbles assent at him, and he hopes it's actually going to work on the ship. He needs to get home. It's already been a month since Namek, Kya must be worried, Sokka must be tearing his hair out- Or worse yet, training harder than ever with his mentor.

It's not that Hakoda dislikes Piandao - at least he's not Ozai - but it should be him teaching his son how to fight.

The mauve alien tugs on his sleeve and chitters something that roughly translates to "it's going to take a while to fix, why don't you find something to do?"

Hakoda's shoulders slump. "I need to get home," he says plaintively ( ... )


Re: Son Hakoda spyridona January 13 2010, 01:15:22 UTC
*strokes poor Son Hakoda.*

I wish I could remember the scene with Goku do the 'hurry hurry hurry' dance. Dancing on his toes and being very stressed out on getting somewhere. It reminds me of this.

I like how Hakoda's main focus is his family, and how he's upset Paindao taught his son. It's a nice touch.


*CASHES IN CHIPS* suzukiblu January 12 2010, 06:43:49 UTC
. . . okay, after reading the eating contest one, I totally want to see Katara and Zuko having a play date. >> Bonus points for Mirai or Sokka getting stuck babysitting.

Also, moar Urzai! That awkward "by the way we're totally going to hook up and have a purple-haired Super-Saiyan one of these days" conversation or kinky mid-air sex or arguing about the gravity chamber or really I do not care, just more of them in some form of interaction no one else is around to distract them from. Up to and including having sex on Hakoda's bed just because it's THERE and CLEARLY needs conquered. >:3


Urzai beckyh2112 January 13 2010, 00:52:11 UTC
Kya has less rice than she remembers having this morning and needs to make a run into the town to visit the market. (Ursa finds the smirk on Ozai's face odd, since there's nothing happy-making for a Saiyan about lack of food.)

Sokka has dragged Katara and Zuko off to 'teach them how to fish like real Namekians'. (Ursa isn't sure she wants to know how real Namekians fish, given that Piandao hardly does more than drink water and is probably more closely related to a tree than to Sokka.)

Hakoda is dead. Again. (Ursa wants to scream bloody murder at him about how he's hurting Kya, Sokka, and Katara but she can also see the logic of staying dead so their enemies will leave his world in peace.)

The little Son house is empty except for her and Ozai. She wonders why Ozai is even here, given how he usually vanishes once they touch down and only reappears for dinner.

Right now, though, he's leaning against the doorway, watching her while she adjusts the Dragon Radar.

"Is there something you want?" she asks.

His smirk gets wider. "Oh, yes.


Katara and Zuko, playdate beckyh2112 January 16 2010, 20:49:28 UTC
"I am the mighty warrior from Earth, Son Hakoda!" Katara declared loudly, posing and tossing a few quick punches.

"I am the mightier warrior from Planet Sozin, Prince Ozai, prince of all Saiyans!" Zuko said smugly, folding his arms and doing his best to imitate his father's smirk.

"Oi! Ozai isn't as powerful as Dad!" Katara snapped.

"He's more powerful!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not, is not, is not!"

"Is too, is too, is too!"

"Is not times infinity!"

"Is too times infinity plus one!"


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