B5 FIC :: "Shattered Glass: A Journey" [Susan/Talia, R]

Oct 18, 2011 11:18

Title: Shattered Glass: A Journey
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Author’s Email:

Pairing: Susan/Talia
Rating: R
Date Written: 19 August to 10 October 2011
Word Count: 15359 [including 359 words of poetry]
Written for:
ladiesbigbang 2011
Link to artist's artwork: here
Series: Part of the "Strength to Try" series
Summary: A series of Susan's journal entries in response to poetry fragments/stanzas [tanka format] that Talia has written over the course of a one-year period in which Talia struggles to regain her sanity and sense of self after she and Jason Ironheart finally defeat Control.
Spoilers: Post-series, though the entirety of the Susan/Talia storyline is fair game. Wholeheartedly an AU that jinks off after "Divided Loyalties". Some things from canon still happen, some don't, some get modified.
Warning: Suicidal thoughts and self-harm. Mention of emotional/mental abuse and physical cruelty.

Disclaimer: “Babylon 5,” the characters and situations depicted are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, Babylonian Productions, Warner Brothers, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement.  This story is in no way affiliated with "Babylon 5,” J. Michael Straczynski, the production companies, or any representatives of the actors.

Author's Notes: This is something I've actually wanted to work on for a long, long time. This particular AU for Susan and Talia is near and dear to my heart, and I've wanted to set up the entirety of their timeline. This project actually gave me the chance to actually work out that timeline, at least within the structure of what I'd already written in this series. There are parts of this project that will be expanded into larger stories at some point in the future.

While writing this project, it became increasingly clear to me that Talia will have suffered from PTSD in the aftermath of Control's reign of her life. The inclusion of Jason Ironheart could also point her toward some level of DID, as well. This project doesn't delve deeply into these ideas, but it's something that has been something of an influence in how I've written it.

Each of the sixteen poems shown in this project was written in the tanka format, so some minor pronunciation variations may occur to achieve the syllabic count required by this poem form.

Series Notes: The series title comes from the song "That's What Love Is For", from the 1988 album Lead Me On by Amy Grant. The timeline I've concocted for this series came in part from information found @ The Chronology of the Babylon 5 Universe. That site includes information from more than just the series. Some of this worked for my timeline, particularly for things that occurred after the series ended, so I have used it. At some point, I'll post up a basic timeline of clarification for this AU.

Dedication: my muses, as always…

shatterpath, as always…

"Shattered Glass: A Journey"
By A. Magiluna Stormwriter

01. Foreward :: DW // LJ
02. 25 September 2262 :: DW // LJ
03. 10 October 2262 :: DW // LJ
04. 17 December 2262 :: DW // LJ
05. 7 January 2263 :: DW // LJ
06. 28 January 2263 :: DW // LJ
07. 12 February 2263 :: DW // LJ
08. 4 March 2263 :: DW // LJ
09. 19 March 2263 :: DW // LJ
10. 28 March 2263 :: DW // LJ
11. 19 April 2263 :: DW // LJ
12. 25 May 2263 :: DW // LJ
13. 17 June 2263 :: DW // LJ
14. 24 July 2263 :: DW // LJ
15. 10 August 2263 :: DW // LJ
16. 30 August 2263 :: DW // LJ
17. 24 September 2263 :: DW // LJ
18. Afterward :: DW // LJ

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

ficathons & challenges, poems, fanfic :: b5

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