B5 FIC :: "Shattered Glass: A Journey - Part 2" [Susan/Talia, R]

Oct 18, 2011 11:55


10 October 2262

corporate toadies
stripped me of my very life
thought to control me
thought to destroy completely
the talia they once knew

When this one appeared in nearly the same place about two weeks later, I was slightly less surprised to see it. By that time, Talia had moved in with me. There was no way I was willingly going to let her out of my sight, not so soon after getting her back into my life. She felt the same way about me.

But I had a station to run, and couldn't take too much time away from it. Yes, John and Delenn were visiting at the time, but he was busy with his presidency and she was busy with her first pregnancy. And so I went off to run Babylon 5 while Talia began spending time with Delenn. The topic of their conversations was never fully revealed to me; this only occasionally has bothered me over the years.

That this snippet showed up as she began discussing her desire to retaliate against Alfred Bester and Psi Corps seemed more than coincidental to me, especially in hindsight. But those hindsight revelations wouldn't come to me for quite some time yet.

Clarification from Talia: Susan's right about this being a bit more obvious in its origins. I do remember writing this one, actually. I don't remember a lot of them being written over those early years. But this one was all me. I don't remember setting it on the bedside table, but when Susan never asked about it, I just put it away in my box of scraps. Eventually all of my bits of unconscious poetry made their way into that box, even some that Susan has never seen. She and I have shared many things over the years, including much of the contents of that box, but there are still poem fragments that she may never see.

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

ficathons & challenges, poems, fanfic :: b5

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