2011 Fanfiction in Review

Dec 31, 2011 14:54

2006 Fanfiction in Review
2007 Fanfiction in Review
2008 Fanfiction in Review
2009 Fanfiction in Review
2010 Fanfiction in Review

001. Friendship and Loyalty [Merlin | Gwen/Morgana, Gwen/Arthur | PG]
002. Roundabout Route [Merlin/Tudors | Morgana/Henry VIII, R]
003-9. 7 Fic Requests [Multi-fandoms | PG-PG-13]
010. cares we travail to content us [Merlin-Star Wars | Morgana/Arthur, Gwen/Morgause | PG-13]
011. Of Baths and Returns [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
012. Hidden [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
013. Fifteen-word fanfction meme 1.0 [Merlin-Tudors | Various characters/pairings | PG-R]
014. Spots on a Canvas [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur |G-NC-17]
015. Compulsion [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Merlin/Arthur | PG-13]
016. All the Difference [Tudors | Anne/Henry | PG-13]
017. Fifteen-word fanfiction meme 2.0 [Merlin | Various characters/pairings | PG-R]
018. graven with diamonds in letters plain [Tudors | Anne/Henry | PG-13]
019. Along a Sea Unknown [Merlin | Arthur, Freya, Merlin, Morgana, Morgause| PG-13]
020. Thief in the Night [Merlin | Gwen/Morgana | NC-17]
021. After the Fact [Merlin | Arthur, Gaius | PG]
022. We Two, Together Again [Merlin | Nimueh, Uther | PG]
023. With Bated Breath [Merlin | girl!Merlin/Arthur | PG]
024. Instruction [Merlin | George, Merlin | PG]
025. Patience [Merlin | Agravaine | PG]
026. On the Rocks [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur/Merlin | PG]
027. Cuddle [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
028. Ritual [Merlin | Morgause/Arthur | R]
029. Fallen Prey [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Merlin friendship |PG-13]

... and several kinkme_merlin stories that I'm too mortified to take credit for, and my merlinchallenge fic that I can't yet de-anon on yet.

Favorite Story of the Year: Compulsion. I've always had a huge, huge love for the story it was based, and after reading it again one day, I just couldn't take the muse's badgering anymore and pulled up a document. The story was written up in just a few hours, mainly just to get it out of my system. Then, after reading it and editing it a bit, I found that I actually liked what I'd written. So, I sent it to vampiric_mcd, the author of the original story, asking her if I could post it as a remix of her story, with all proper credit of course. She told me that the story wasn't a direction she would have gone in, but she still enjoyed it, which just made me glow.

My Best Story: graven with diamonds in letters plain. I gave this one so much time and attention (basically, I was its slave), and I'm still quite happy with it. *pets it*

Most Fun Story: Cuddle. Just a simple little double drabble ficlet, full of fluff and goodies. Because my boys are adorable when there are cuddles involved.

Sexiest Story: Of Baths and Returns. It's not my highest rated story, but Arthur taking a bath and Merlin washing his hair? Yeah, best trope ever.

Hardest Story to Write: cares we travail to content us. This one was initially meant for a big bang that didn't work out. I kept working at it, though, and it was difficult doing so. I grew so concerned with following the movie plotline and finishing it that I still think the story itself suffered for it a bit.

Easiest Story to Write: Fallen Prey, strangely enough, but then, that's the story that is the freshest in my mind. Like Compulsion, this story was written in a single day, and once I started, it just poured out from my fingers. I guess I still thrive on writing things that make the characters miserable.

Biggest Changes This Year: That I've actually found the courage to write Tudor fic! Reading Tudor fic has long been a guilty pleasure of mine, but this year I actually worked up the gumption to write it!

lj: flist, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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