Fanfiction in Review Meme (knicked from irony_rocks)

Dec 28, 2007 09:37

1. After the Game. John/Elizabeth. PG-13

2. A Moment In Between. Jack/Elizabeth. NC-17.

3. Five Times John Sheppard was Faced with Disappointment. Gen (John/Elizabeth friendship, past John/OC). PG.

4. Thrill of Victory. Elizabeth/Wraith Queen. NC-17.

5. These Foreign Stars. Daniel/Vala, Tomin/Vala. PG.

6. Two Worlds At Once. Daniel/Vala. PG.

7. Drabble Tree Entries. Various. PG.

8. Drabble for The Shroud. Daniel/Vala. PG.

9. The Dangling Conversation. Sam/Rodney. PG. (stargate_ren)

10. The Jacket. Daniel/Vala, small Tomin/Vala. PG.

11. The Heart Wants. Gen. G.

12. Power of Voice. John/Elizabeth. PG.

13. Pleadings and Puddlejumpers. John/Elizabeth. PG.

14. Words and Deeds ( Part One | Part Two | Part Three). John/Elizabeth, Jack/Sarah Gardiner. PG-13. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

15. Five Forks. Gen (hints to AU!Jack/Elizabeth). PG-13.

16. The Wedding ( Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four). John/Elizabeth, Laura/Carson, Kate/Lorne, small Jack/Sarah. PG. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

17. LCF Drabbles. Gen or John/Elizabeth. PG.

18. Dilatatio. Rodney/Teyla, small John/Elizabeth. NC-17. (lantean_hive)

19. Trouble. Lorne/Elizabeth. NC-17.

20. Five Icon Fics. John/Elizabeth, Kate/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth, John/Elizabeth/Teyla. G-NC-17.

21. When All is In Ashes. Daniel/Vala UST. PG.

22. Three Days. Grissom/Sara (CSI). PG.

23. Matriarum Filiarumque. Gen. PG.

24. Alliances ( Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five). Radek/Elizabeth, Kate/Lorne, Kate/OC, Laura/Carson. PG. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

25. Surreal. Gen. PG. (langford_u)

26. Assumption. Ronon/Elizabeth. PG-13.

27. Dreams. Jack/Allison (Eureka). PG.

28. Night and Day. Sam/Vala. PG.

29. Edomare. Lorne/Kate/John, Ronon/Kate. NC-17. (lantean_hive)

30. Tea and Crumpets, Execpt Not. Gen (Eureka). PG.

31. Vigil. Gen. PG. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

32. Season 4 ficlet. John/Elizabeth. PG.

33. Recovery (sequel to #32). John/Elizabeth. PG.

34. Outlaws and Thieves ( Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four). Laura/Carson, Kate/Lorne. PG. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

35. Season 4 snippit. Gen. PG.

36. A Warning. Gen (small hints of John/Elizabeth). PG.

37. Dispute. Sam/Rodney. PG.

38. Change. John/Elizabeth. PG.

39. Untitled (post-ep. for Tabula Rasa. John/Elizabeth, small Rodney/Katie. PG.

40. Widow's Walk. Kate/Elizabeth/Teyla. PG-13.

41. In Recompense. Gen. PG.

42. No Novice. John/Elizabeth. PG.

43. Request fics. Various. PG-R.

44. Conspiracies. Laura/Carson. PG. (stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c)

45. Perditissimus. Gen. PG. (lantean_hive)

46. Failure. Gen. PG-13.

Wow, that's a shitload of fic. I clearly have yet to get a life.

Favorite Story This Year: Oh jeez, this is a tough one. Hmm, perhaps In Recompense? Sora has always been an interesting character for many people in fandom, and her uncertain fate only increases interest. It was a joy to write her point of view of certain points of the back half of Season One, as well as her inability to comprehend Teyla's behaviior. havocthecat has urged me to write a sequel/companion fic to it featuring Teyla's point of view, and it is something that I am considering.

My Best Story This Year: Thrill of Victory. This story really let me flex my writing muscles and going way out of my comfort zone. It was a challenge to write, which is something I absolutely love.

Most Fun Story: Hmm, this one is probably a toss-up between After the Game and The Dangling Conversation. AtG was sheer adorable fluff that I just can't help but giggle over, while TDC was a chance to explore a sudden turn in Sam and Rodney's relationship in stargate_ren, one that still makes me smile.

Sexiest Story: I'd have to say Edomare. Initially, it was intended to just focus on Ronon/Kate, but as I was writing it, the John/Kate/Evan part slipped into the story and refused to be cut out. I just cannot get over that part.

Hardest Story to Write: Probably Dispute. It was written for the sg1sgaficathon, but I was never entirely happy with it, even after my beta worked her wonderful magic on it. It just didn't fit right with me, and it became something of a chore to work on.

Easiest Story to Write: These Foreign Stars. After watching The Quest, Part 2, my SG-1 muse came to life in a way that I haven't seen in years. Vala's relationship with Tomin, Adria, and Daniel absolutely fascinate me in a way I haven't seen since... I don't know when. It really, really renewed my interest in the show. Plus, it was a chance to play with the spoilers for The Shroud.

Choice Lines:

1. "But this one, this Elizabeth Weir, is different. She is human, but her mind, her manner, is more like his creators. She has the arrogance of any Ancient, daring to believe [Oberoth] is unworthy of life, unworthy of the mantle of ruler. He could wipe her away at any moment, but still she fights him at every turn."

2. "They made her sweep salt."
--In Recompense

3. “If you ever disobey an order that John gives you like that again, I will-”

“Kick my ass from here to Timbuktu. Yes, I’ve gotten this lecture,” he finishes.

To his surprise, Elizabeth shakes her head. “No, Rodney. I save that kind of threat for John or Ronon. They can say it far more convincingly than I ever could.” She leanes forward and stares directly at him. “No, Rodney, I will have you shipped back to Area 51 myself. We cannot afford that kind of insubordination here. It could get us all killed.”
--A Warning

4. “I heard you speak during your illness, Prior. Do you… Are you close to my wife?”
--These Foreign Stars

5. “Elizabeth, what constitutes ‘a safe and responsible age’? Five? Six?”
--Pleadings and Puddlejumpers

Edit: AQ's Fanfiction in Review 2006.

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