2009 Fanfiction in Revew meme

Dec 30, 2009 19:08

2006 Fanfiction Review
2007 Fanfiction Review
2008 Fanfiction Review

2009 Fanfiction Review

001. Salute [SGA | Lorne/Weir | PG]
002. Bridges Burned [SGA | Weir/Sheppard | PG-13]
003. Fine Lines [JLU | Batman/Wonder Woman | PG-13]
004. Collapse Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV [stargate_ren | co-written with melyanna and miera_c | PG-13]
005. Thankful [Eureka | Allison/Nathan, Jack and Allison friendship | PG]
006. Lines in the Sand Part I | Part II | Part III [stargate_ren | PG-13 | co-written with melyanna and miera_c]
007. Obedience [Eureka | Jack and Zoe Carter | PG]
08. Home [Eureka | Tess Fontana and Allison Blake | PG]
009. Rumor Mill [Eureka | Tess Fontana and Vincent | PG]
010. Five Deaths Morgana Foresaw for Herself [Merlin | Morgana/Arthur, Gwen/Arthur, Morgana/Other | PG-13]
011. Measure Every Grief Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V [stargate_ren | co-written with melyanna and miera_c | PG-13]
012. Awe [Eureka | Tess Fontana | PG]
013. Life Happens [Eureka | Henry Deacon | PG]
014. Broken [Merlin | Uther Pendragon and Tristan de Blois | PG-13]
015. Truth [Merlin | Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Will | PG]
016. Stop and Start [Merlin | Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Morgana | PG]
017. Spreading the News [Eureka | Zoe Carter and Pilar | PG]
018. Some Things [Eureka | Allison/Nathan, Allison/Jack | PG]
019. Advice [Eureka | Zoe Carter, Pilar, Allison Blake | PG]
020. A Different Call [Merlin | Merlin/Morgana/Arthur | PG]
021. Selfless [Eureka | Tess/Jack, Allison/Jack | PG]
022. Responses to the Merlin/Arthur kiss meme [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | G through PG-13]
023. A Firm Hand [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur | PG]
024. Shut Up [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | NC-17]
025. Three Drabble Requests [Sanctuary | Helen/John | PG], [SGA | Weir/Sheppard | G]
026. Lingering [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
027. Revelation [Merlin | Merlin/Morgana, Gwen/Arthur | PG-13]
028. Request [Merlin | Merlin, Arthur, Balinor | PG]
029. Haunted [Merlin | Merlin/Morgana, Merlin/Arthur | PG]
030. What Comes [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot | PG]

ETA: So, yeah, I was bored and decided to actually talk about the fics I wrote this year.

Favorite Story This Year: Strangely enough, I think it's my latest Merlin fic, What Comes. I still don't know why. It was written on the fly, and I had no idea where it was going, and even after I finished it, I still keep looking at it. The muse keeps stirring whenever I do, so I may end up writing a sequel.

My Best Story This Year: Revelation. I was so in love with this fic, playing with Morgana as a character. The ship aspect is almost unimportant in it, and I think it might have been better to edit it out, but still, this was really wonderful to write.

Most Fun Story: The responses to the Merlin/Arthur kiss meme. That was so much fun to play with, something light-hearted and easy-going. The responses vary in genre, but I was absolutely tickled when working on them.

Sexiest Story: *laughs* Oh, Shut Up, hands down. No competition there.

Hardest Story to Write: Bridges Burned, I think. At the time, I was still working through my bitterness at how far down the tubes SGA had gone and a lot of that bitterness got poured into the story. I don't think I was very much invested in it emotionally (aside from being angry over the show itself), and that made it difficult to work on.

Easiest Story to Write: Selfless. Strangely enough, I find Eureka and Allison Blake easy to write for. At least, when it's an episode tag. This one just sort of flowed, Allison's voice and character coming through in all its glory and imperfections. Good times.

Biggest Changes this Year: The death of my SGA muse, aside from stargate_ren anyway, and the moving on to other 'verses like Merlin and Sanctuary.

So long 2009. Let's see what 2010 brings.

lj: flist, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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