AQ's Fanfiction in Review 2008

Dec 27, 2008 13:58

AQ's Fanfiction in Review 2006: 54 stories.

AQ's Fanfiction in Review 2007: 46 stories.

1. Break From Routine. John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir. NC-17.

2. The Snare ( Part I | Part II | Part III) stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c.

3. Three Comment Fics. a. Six months after the end of the Lantean Grace series. b. The morning after the Elizabeth/Brendan ficlet. c. The first time of A Moment In between.

4. Sparkle. Vala/Elizabeth ficlet. Femslash. PG-13.

5. Commands. Teyla Emmagan/Evan Lorne/Elizabeth Weir. Threesome. NC-17.

6. Precipice. ( Part I | Part II | Part III) stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c.

7. The Mire ( Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV) stargate_ren, co-written with melyanna and miera_c.

8. Break Away. Eureka. Jack/Allison, Nathan/Allison. PG.

9. Welcome to Eureka, Dr. Weir. Eureka/SGA. Gen. PG.

10. Equilibrium. Eureka. Gen. PG.

11. Trouble. Eureka. Jack/Allison, Nathan/Allison. PG.

12. Report. SGA. Gen. PG.

13. 5 Icon Drabbles. SGA, SG-1. John/Elizabeth; Daniel/Vala, Gen. G--PG-13.

14. Untitled Comment Fic. SGA. John/Elizabeth. Teyla. Written for rushingwind. PG.

15. Shattered Mirror. ( Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV) SGA. Gen. PG-13/R.

Choice Lines:

1. “God…”

“Not really,” John muttered before returning to his self-appointed task of driving her completely insane. --Break From Routine

2. She groaned and rolled onto her side, burying her face into the other pillow. She didn’t want to get up. She didn’t want to go deal with irate ambassadors and other officials. It was perfectly fine right here in this hotel room. She had a comfortable bed, room service just a phone call away.

Oh, and a gorgeous NSA agent currently using her shower. He trumped everything. -- Comment fic written for irony_rocks

3. She was here to give them a lesson, and remind them of the ugliness of the outside world. --Equilibrium

4. “Is it possible for you to be even MORE incompetent in this reality than in mine?!” --Shattered Mirror

5. “Oh, you know, we just wanted to check out the local facilities, see if there was any good property up for sale,” she says airily. Elizabeth nearly smiles. This Vala sounds very much like the one from her own reality. “You seem to have let the place go, though, since your little rebellion. The lack of security is abysmal.” --Shattered Mirror

lj: flist, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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