2010 Fanfiction in Review

Dec 27, 2010 11:28

2006 Fanfiction in Review
2007 Fanfiction in Review
2008 Fanfiction in Review
2009 Fanfiction in Review

2010 Fanfiction in Review

001. Evolution [Merlin | girl!Merlin/Arthur | R]
002. Remember [Merlin | Arthur, Gaius, Gwen, Merlin, Uther | PG]
003. Recovery [stargate_ren | Part One Part Two Part Three | PG | co-written with melyanna and miera_c]
004. Those Who Love [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, Gwen/Morgana | PG-13]
005-014. 10 Comment Fics for Alphabet meme [Sanctuary, Star Wars, SG-1, SGA, Merlin | PG/PG-13]
015. Historica [Original Fiction | Part One Part Two Part Three | TV-14]
016. Purpose [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
017. Faith [Merlin | Merlin, Arthur | PG]
018. Run of Three [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur/Merlin| PG]
019. Slander [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
020. Answers [Merlin | Merlin, Morgana | PG]
021. Take My Hand [Merlin | Mordred, Morgana | PG]
022. We All Fall [Merlin | Morgana/Leon | R]
023. Pick Up the Pieces [Merlin | Arthur, Gaius, Gwen, Merlin, Morgana, Uther | PG]
024-040. Pieces of the Puzzle [NCIS | 17 episode-related fics, mostly Abby/Gibbs, some gen | PG]
041. A Second Chance [NCIS | Abby/Gibbs | PG-13]
042. a star to guide by [NCIS | Abby/Gibbs | PG]

Favorite Story this Year: Answers. I came up with this story a few weeks after 3x10 Queen of Hearts aired, and I fell completely in love with the idea of Morgana having a chat with Old Man!Merlin, even though she's unaware that it's actually Merlin she's talking to. One of the biggest problems Merlin and Morgana have had over the years is that they never stopped to talk to each other. At this point, it's too late to call either one off of their chosen paths, but the fact that they actually talked to one another is a step up from what they normally do. As a result of that, I have a huge attachment to this fic.

My Best Story this Year: Historica. I wrote this for chaos_thon, and I'm really proud of myself for it, because this was my first piece of original fiction. I also love it because I got to inject my love of history into it, which made it all the more fun to write.

Most Fun Story: Slander. I still get a good laugh out of this one, because I take it as a given that Arthur would be offended of a rendition of his legend that has him being reincarnated as a girl, and of course he would pitch a fit about it. Very fun. :)

Sexiest Story: Those Who Love. It isn't the highest-rated story that I've written this year, but there was just something about this story. I wrote it exclusively from Gwen's perspective, exploring her relationships with many of the characters around her -- Morgana, Arthur, Merlin, and Lancelo -- and it gained a sexy atmosphere that I wasn't expecting, but loved nonetheless.

Hardest Story to Write: Pieces of the Puzzle. In the case of NCIS, I usually try to keep as close to canon as possible, though a lot of times adding a bit more of the chosen pairing flavor to it. But, since the show's so amazing, I don't often have to write anything, because they are so good at getting the good stuff to show on-screen!

Easiest Story to Write: A Second Chance. This story just kind of came to me on a breeze, both the initial first part and the expansion chapters that came a short time later. Plus, it was fun to do something completely shippy and not have to worry too much about being too OOC, like I often worry about in the Pieces of the Puzzle ficlets.

Biggest Changes this Year: Definitely a year of change. I started really getting into NCIS (my mother even more so than I, believe it or not). I also wrote my first piece of original fiction (GO ME! *dances*). I also had my last regular appearance on stargate_ren, which is now in the very capable hands of melyanna and miera_c, as well as the reoccurring sache8. :)

lj: flist, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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