Fic: cares we travail to content us [MASTER POST]

Feb 14, 2011 09:54

Title: cares we travail to content us
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 30,430
Characters/Pairings: Morgana/Arthur, Gwen/Morgause, Merlin, Nimueh, and a host of supporting characters
Warnings: hints of femslash, implications of torture (nothing graphic), eventual character death
Summary: It is a dark time for the galaxy. Emperor Uther has held much of known space in a violent chokehold for over two decades now. He ordered the annihilation of the Jedi Order, and demands that any person exhibiting Jedi abilities be executed for treason. His goddaughter, Princess Morgana of Alderaan, will do anything to see freedom restored to the galaxy, and serves as a spy for the Rebel Alliance. When she is captured by the Emperor’s agents, she is eventually brought into contact with Arthur Pendragon, Captain of the Excalibur. Their meeting alone will bring about changes unforeseen, as there are other, mysterious forces at work, and secrets locked away for years are about to come out. Of course, they’ll have to keep from killing each other as well.
Author's Notes: This story is a fusion of the Merlin and Star Wars universes, with the characters and a few other names/places/things all being fitted into a Star Wars setting. It was initially written for the Morgana/Arthur Big Bang, which, sadly, did not come about due to a myriad of factors. So, I'm posting this for you now. The title comes from Sir Thomas Heneage, in a poem he wrote for Elizabeth I.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six

fanfiction: star wars, character: merlin: nimueh, ship: merlin: gwen/morgause, !fanfiction: master list, character: merlin: merlin emrys, fanfiction: merlin, ship: merlin: morgana/arthur, fanfiction: aus

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