Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 10/?

Oct 20, 2009 15:03

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 10/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes/Tom Sykes/Jack Barakat
Rating: M 
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine. Adventures ensue. 
POV: Alex/Oli/Tom - First person
Warnings: angst, textual references, mentions of incest and foursomes...
Disclaimer: Yo I just have a highly active and irrational imagination, k? This probably never happened.
Dedications: verymuchalivex even though I haven't heard from her in forever.
Previous chapters: one two three four five six seven eight nine
Author Notes: I don't like angsty or ~conflict chapters but I guess stories need plot, so yeah. Have some plot.

Oli’s POV

“Mum! Ah, fuck, um... you guys are... you guys are home early,” I said chaotically. I didn’t know what to do, did I? My mother ‘ad jus’ caught me snogging my own brother! It’s probably not what any mother expects to come home to.

“What were you two just doing?!” she demanded. Good question, I don’t fuckin’ know what to say.

“Uh, huggin’?”

I sound fuckin’ pathetic. Christ I shouldn’ta done tha’ to Tommy... I knew they was comin’ home. Shiiiiit. Please just go away, Mum. Pass it off as a hug, tell yaself you was seein’ things, I don’t know!

“You’re tellin’ me you was just hugging your brother jus’ then? Am I goin’ crazy? Since when do you two jus’ hug for the sake of it anyway?”

“Uh, well, Tommy’s jus’, you see...”
“I’m ‘avin trouble wiv this girl I like, Mum. Oli was jus’ tryna make me feel better wasn’t ‘e?” Tommy piped up and gave me a meaningful look. I weren’t stupid and I caught on quick.

“Yeah ‘e wanted advice from ‘is big bro.” I said wiv a nod. Mum didn’t look that convinced.

“Oliver, you’ve not dated that many girls. Don’t say anyfin’, I know you ‘aven’t. And whats more, I know you go for... boys too.” As she said that she looked a bit uncomfortable. I don’t blame ‘er, mothers usually don’t like it when their sons like other men.

“So? I still know more than Tommy don’t I?”

“Tom, what’s the girl’s name?”

“She go to your school?”

“Nah but she goes to the other one near ours. Met ‘er online, okay? Can you please drop this, Mum? I wasn’t snogging Oli! I don’t like boys and what’s more, HE IS MY BROTHER.” I’d never really seen Tom get that worked up but it worked. Mum looked at us shiftily for a moment before conceding defeat and stalking off back to her room. I breathed a sigh of relief and slumped back on to the pillows.

“That were fuckin’ close...” I stated, dazed. “Who’s Jacinta, then?”

“Fuck, man... I dunno do I? I thought of the female equivalent to Jack’s name. Though she’d prob’ly kick off if I’da said Jackie,” he laughed.

“Tom, I think... as good as it were, we can’t keep doin’ this. At least not on a regular basis. I mean, if we get caught again by Mum or anyone... it’s not normal.”

“Fuck you, Oli. Not a moment ago you were sayin’ ‘fuck the law we do what we want’. I never asked for any o’ this to happen, it jus’ fuckin’ did! You were the kinky freak that wanted a threesome, but Jack took a fancy to me and here we are, two fuckin’ brothers sucking each other off!”
“Tom, I - “

“Shut it, Oliver. Jus’... fuck off.”


Alex’s POV


I scrambled for the phone, falling off my bed in the process.


“Fucking phone... c’mon... where are you...”


“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yelled. “YOU ARE NOT ON A BOAT,” but then lo and behold, there it was, wedged between a shoe and my wall, underneath a bandana. Caller ID: Your Oli <3

“Hey babe!” I answered. “Sorry, I couldn’t find my fucking phone... teach me to accessorize.”
“What? Alex I don’t know what to do...”

“Why what’s wrong?”

“Tom’s upset. I don’ like it when Tommy’s upset but it’s ‘cause I kissed him again and then Mum walked in and we go’ out of it but then ‘e got all upset and started blamin’ me for ev’ryfin’ and -“
“Your MOM walked in???”

“Yeah... me Mum fuckin’ saw us. We managed to pass it off as a hug but Christ... I’m jus’ worried I guess, I’ve never seen ‘im really mad before and -“

“Holy balls, stop, stop. I’m sure Tom’ll be okay.”
“You mean it?”

“I mean it. He’s probably just overwhelmed, man. Like a day ago he thought he was straight and hadn’t been anally penetrated, nor had he engaged in a foursome of any kind, particularly not involving his brother or his brother’s boy lover or his brother’s boy lover’s best friend.”


“Puttin’ it like that, I’m really fuckin’ worried. He’s prob’ly analyzin’ it in ‘is ‘ead right now and freakin’ out... Alex I’ll call you later, I’m gonna go check on Tommy.”

“Bye love.”

Oli sounded terrible... I picked up my skateboard and left the house yelling “Back soon, Mom!” before slamming out the door and heading to the Sykes residence.


Oli’s POV

“Tom?” I called, quietly tappin’ on his door. No answer. “Tommy?” I called again.

Still no answer. I opened the door to find ‘is room empty. Huh. I left it again and walked downstairs, creepin’ around in case Mum came chargin’ in wiv a bout of demands. I crept through the lounge, dinin’, peeped in the kitchen, laundry, bathrooms, fuckin’ everywhere even out the back but Tom just wasn’t in the house. I even went to check in me own bedroom but Tom was nowhere. I wen’ back into his room and looked around, stumped. That’s when I saw it; a tiny piece of notepaper lyin’ on his desk readin’:


Sorry. Had to. I’m not gone forever.

I just can’t do this right now.

Don’t look for me.

Tom x

I sunk down to the floor, despair crawlin’ over me. Tom couldn’t leave. He couldn’t. He was still so young and I didn’ have a clue where he might’a gone... where would a 16-year-old sexually confused British boy run away to at night time in Baltimore?

“Don’t look for me.”

Yeah fuck off Tom I’m not lettin’ you get away that easy. Where the fuck ‘ave you gone? I know you’re mad and stuff but shit, you think you can run away and then jus’ waltz back in whenever you want? Mum’s gonna fuckin’ get the police out searchin’ for this Jacinta you made up and blame me for it.

Bu’ I couldn’t stay mad at him. I loved him too much to be mad. Instead I just slumped against ‘is wall with one thing runnin’ through my mind:

Tom’s gone.

Suddenly the door opened and Alex slunk in.

“Hey baby...” he said, sitting down beside me and stroking my hair.

“He’s gone,” I whispered. “He left me.”


Tom’s POV

I was running. I’d grabbed a handful of clothes then ran; out the door before anyone at home could even notice what I was doing. I scribbled a note for Oli but I was still mad at him so I’d been blunt. Probably too blunt but I didn’t care. I ran. Ran till my legs burned and my heart was pumpin’ battery acid through my veins. I didn’t have a destination, hardly even a reason, but it felt good to be actually doing something rather than staying there feeling caged. I kept running; I was nowhere near my house by now but I couldn’t stop running. If I stopped running then I’d collapse and wouldn’t resurface. My phone rang. I ignored it. It kept ringing and ringing until it made me scream. I stopped; it took effort, but I stopped and pulled my phone out.

...we’ve fallen in love, it was the best idea I ever had. Today we fell and felt better, just knowing this matters, I just feel stronger and sharper. Found a box of sharp objects...

Panting, I looked at the caller ID: Oliver.

I groaned and turned my phone off. Suddenly I became furious at the relevancy of my ringtone to who happened to have been calling. I didn’t even like The Used so why the fuck were they my ringtone? Spurred on by my anger I started running again, harder than before with Oli’s face in my mind. I tried to get it to go away, shaking my head, screwing my eyes shut but the harder I tried the more visible he became until something caved inside me and I started crying. I was still running, crying and I almost couldn’ breathe but I couldn’t stop either. I had nowhere to run to but I couldn’t face Oliver again. My sobs started to win out over my legs and I had to stop else I would have collapsed in the middle of a road. I stumbled toward the sidewalk and leaned against a tree, trying desperately to calm my sobs and my breathing and my violent heart. I sunk down to the grass, still panting, eyes closed and tears still sliding out; Oli’s face still burning against the blood-black curtain of my eyelids. I vaguely heard the sound of an opening door but took no notice of it, still concentrating on keeping myself together, when I heard his voice.

“... Tom?”


chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, pairing: multiple, author: x_cheapnovelty, rating: r

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