Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 7/?

Oct 07, 2009 01:32

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 7/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes, Jack Barakat/Tom Sykes
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine.
POV: Alex/Tom - First person
Warnings: Naughty mouth words, eventual homogay fornication and the nonsense you come to accept that is my vocabulary.
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary. Those boys aren't mine.
Dedications: verymuchalivex and also Corey The Boyfriend. They provided me with a very fun weekend. 
Previous chapters: one two three four five six
Author Notes:  I'm so sorry I keep taking forever to update! But I just graduated high school, I've been busy. Forgive me! Please? This chap foreshadows some super-exciting event that will take place in the not-too-distant future... also this chapter is longggg.

Alex’s POV

Four lovely days had passed by since quite possibly the best weekend I had ever had and each day I got to see my even lovelier boyfriend. Alex was happy. Very happy. Happier than a happy thing on happy tablets. The only thing happier than me may have been Jack, who, quite frankly, was ridiculously overjoyed at mine and Oli’s new commitment. He pretty much jizzed in his pants upon receiving the news.


“Hey Jack, guess what?!”

“Lindsay Lohans a man!”


“You’re pregnant!”


“... there’s a hooligan in your cupboard?”

“The fuck?”
“WHAT? WHAT, GASTANK? What is iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit??????”

“Weeelll... I was at Loliver’s yesterday...”


“Well, yeah, but man that wasn’t the news. Well it was but it was coming after th- whatever. So anyway he aske-“

“I’m not done!”

“Sorry Lexy-loo, continue.”

“He asked me to be his boyfriend!”

“BOOYAKASHA! Yaaay! Alex that’s so neat, you finally hooked a homo! Oh my God when can we all fuck?”

*end flashback*

So I was heading to class when Jack saunters up to me hell casual with that wicked glint in his eye that had been there the past four days. I knew what he was after; he would ask if I had made plans for this weekend yet again, and then ask if I was seeing Oli. And could he come. On our faces.

“Morning,” he said in that cute voice he does when he wants something.

“Jack Bassam,” I acknowledged with a nod. I would remain polite.

“So it’s Thursday...”

“How observant you are.”

“Which means tomorrow is Friday. Then after that comes Saturday and after that comes Sunday.”

“You finally learnt the days of the week!” But Jack ignored my witty remark.

“Friday nights, Saturdays, Saturday nights and Sundays are when shady activities go down,” he said with a sly smile. I told you I knew where this was leading.

“Are you suggesting we embark on an adventure of tomfoolery and mischief?”


I sighed. As much as I totally wanted threesomes with Jack and Oli... I kinda wanted to keep him to myself at first.

“Okay, okay, I’ll make plans with Oli and you can come, okay? Prepare little Jack for the night of his life,” and I scuttled away as quickly as possible when one scuttles. I scuttled all the way to class to plop down next to Oliver.

Hello Pretty Oli. Your face makes me want to recite poetry then rip your pants off.

“Alex!” he exclaimed and he smiled radiantly. “Mornin’ doll. I’ve missed you ‘aven’t I? What’s it been? Firteen hours since we last spoke? Ridiculous,” and he came over to me to slip his arms around my waist. Instantaneously I heard gasps and giggles from the girls behind Oli and mutters of “fucking faggots” from the front of the room. But I didn’t care; I had my Pretty Oli.

“Thirteen hours too many,” I said sappily.

What the hell, Alex? Are you in a chick flick?

“You are such a girl,” Oli chuckled, letting go of me to sit in his seat again. I pouted; I wanted him back. Immediately.

Midway through the lesson, a note landed on my desk. The logical thing, I thought, was to open it. So I did.

Hey sexy

This weekend: you + me = sex innit ;)


Normally I wouldn’t condone this kind of behaviour during first period, but I had a fuckinghot boyfriend and notesex seemed like a brilliant way to start the morning.

Therefore, I replied.

Hell yeah

my place or yours?

Well I should have the house to myself.

We could go for round 2 without interruption this time lol

Oh God

Ok your house. What day?

Call me forward but im finkin you need to be with me




I really, really like your thinking.

Where will your family be?

Dunno where mum & dad are goin, didn’t ask.

Tommy’s going to his little mates place J

Will you come?

I accept your generous offer.


The bell rang, and we left the classroom behind with our fingers linked. I felt free.


Come Friday afternoon Oli and I were loitering around, just being cute and shit, waiting for Jack. I really wished we could head off without him but noooo, Oli was friends with Jack too. Dammit.

Please Jack, don’t come out yelling about the hot sex we’ll be having all weekend. Please? So you can like, come along for a day maybe. ONE day. NOT THREE. My boyfran is mine for a reason! Get your own!

“Sup ladies?” Jack greeted, bouncing towards us like a lunatic might. “So uh, I guess you two will be hanging out all weekend amirite?”

“I know where you’re going with this,” I cut him off. “How ‘bout we call you?” But it was useless.

“Oy mate, you were keen to get jiggy wiv us weren’t ya? That’s well brilliant innit, like, you’re a looker aren’t you? You are. So you should well come round sometime eh, it’d be a wicked treat,” Oli piped up. Why was I the only person who thought this was too sudden? Maybe I am a girl. Alas, we were soon at Jack’s house and he ran inside with one last cry of BYE LOLI AND LEXY! DON’T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN WITHOUT ME! and then Oli and I were alone again. We figured it would be a splendid idea to stay at my place Friday night, then the rest of the weekend at his, just because I was in possession of Guitar Hero and a Nintendo64.

By 8pm we’d forgotten video games even existed as we were much too busy utilizing the Jacuzzi my parents had bought years ago and never really used, but just bragged about. Right about now, I was thanking the spirits for my parent’s huge egos because:

a) I had a soon-to-be-naked boyfriend attached to my mouth,

b) A bubble jet right where my penis was; and

c) Another two whole days to fuck him senseless.

Oli didn’t hesitate in ripping his and my swimmers off, only pausing to watch them float away before kissing me fiercely again, lowering his hips to create a delicious friction in our nether regions. Though it must be said, it’s a bit weird when your dick is floating.

“You’re brilliant,” he grinned at me as he arranged himself in a position that -

“Oh, fuck!” I moaned as his cock ground mercilessly against mine. “Not... as brilliant as... you,” I managed to pant out before flipping him over to sit astraddle him. I kept up the wonderful grinding as I made my assault on his neck, making him moan.

“Alex... I need you,” he whispered, moving his face to butterfly kiss my cheek. I giggled and abruptly hopped out of the Jacuzzi.

“Well come on,” I said, motioning for him follow.

“Bu’...” He started to protest but I put a hand over his mouth.

“It’ll be worth it... promise,” I said with a wink and pulled him by the hand straight to the closest bathroom, turning on the shower. He smirked; he’d cottoned on.

Within seconds we were under the hot spray; Oli had me pressed against the tiles and was kissing me desperately. I snaked my arm down between our bodies to grasp his member and stroke it lightly just because I could. He smiled against my lips and began to move his own arm to mirror my action but I stopped him. Once more I flipped positions so Oli was against the wall.

“Pretty Oli...” I murmured against his cheek before sliding to my knees, hands on his hips and mouth achingly close to his manhood.

“My fuckin’ gosh, Alex...” Oli whined. “Please, jus’ do it, you’re drivin’ me mad!” And on that note I took him into my mouth whole. Oliver’s moans became more and more frequent, louder, louder and more profane the longer I sucked him off until he was practically screaming. I worked my rhythm, stroking my tongue down the soft underside of his manhood; toying with the head as he lost control. Oli’s knees started to give way as he tensed and finally climaxed, emptying his load down my throat and I swallowed it all.

“Fuck... you are, it ‘as to be said... amazing,” Oli muttered as I moved back up to kiss him again. “Oh, and you are definitely being rewarded for tha’ righ’ there...” he snickered, slamming me against the bathroom wall and grabbing my package, eliciting yet another moan from me.


Saturday morning passed in a lazy haze of snuggling and doing nothing but being cute. I was seriously falling for this pretty little emo boy.

“What do you wanna do today?” I asked him, tracing patterns on his bare chest.

“You. A hundred times,” he replied grinning.

“Other than me.”

“Not much, eh.”

“Wanna head over to yours anyway?”

“Yeah, alrigh’,” he replied, getting up and stretching. “Tom migh’ be in an’ out all day bu’ I’ll be sure to lock my door this time won’t I? You sure you don’t wanna jus’ stay ‘ere?”

“Nah, my parents will definitely be home soon. I honestly couldn’t be bothered to talk to them right now. They know about my sexual preference, but I’d rather not have them around listening to make sure we’re keeping it PG, y’know?”

“Righ’, got it,” he said with a nod and that was that.

The Sykes household was fairly large; it was a semi-modern house with cute little flowerbeds dotting the front garden making it look more like a large cottage. Upon approaching, Oli pulled out his cell phone, then played with it for a minute before putting it back in his pocket.

“Told Jack to come ‘round later. Should be a bit o’ fun, eh?” he said, grabbing my hand as we walked.

“Yeah, loads...” I replied, uncertain. We walked in to come across an empty house.

“Brilliant, Tom isn’t ‘ere,” Oli exclaimed, pulling me toward the stairs. “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!” he trilled and we landed on his bed, already pulling our shoes off.


Tom’s POV

“Elloooo? Anyone ‘ome?” I called out, making my presence known in case of any sexcapades tha’ may ‘ave been goin’ on in Oli’s room; I ‘eard music thumping through the door and figured he hadn’t ‘eard me but no matter. I wasn’t gonna go in anyway, Alex was prob’ly there, ‘n they were prob’ly goin’ at it. So I jus’ flopped down in front of the telly, settlin’ in to watch some quality cartoons before I found somewhere else to escape to tonigh’. I wasn’t keen to spend the nigh’ at ‘ome if Oli was bangin’ anover boy. ‘Bout half an hour passed before there was a knock at the door. I sighed an’ got up to answer it; Oli prob’ly hadn’t even ‘eard it anyway.

“Hey! You’re not Oli. But you look like you might be related to him, so I guess you’re Tom? I’m Jack!” and the strange boy held out his hand for me to shake.

“Yeah I’m Tom aint I?” I replied. I couldn’t really make my brain work, this new boy ‘ad taken me completely and utterly off guard. His eyes drew me in and I jus’ couldn’t stop staring. “Do you uh... wanna come in?” I asked awkwardly.

Fuck Tom, of course he wants to bloody come in, why else would he knock on the door? What is the problem? Stop starin’ at him... stop starin’ at his lovely choclit eyes. Stop starin’ at his artfully bleached fringe and fit body... Stop! Oli’s got you goin’ all queer!

“So um, Oliver and Alex are upstairs?” he asked, a bit put off by my stunned silence.

“Yeah but I ‘aven’t been up there yet eh... wasn’t game enough,” I grinned sheepishly. And I didn’t want this new Jack to go up there eiver. He was well fit.

“What’re you up to now? We can hang out! I wanna make friends with Oli’s brother!” Jack chirped and I was suddenly elated.

“I was jus’... y’know, watchin’ cartoons...” I admitted, a bit embarrassed.

That’s so delightful innit Tommy. Little Tommy watching ‘is cartoons...

“Oh my God I love cartoons!” Jack squealed. “Where’s the TV?” he asked excitedly. I wasn’t exactly expecting this kind of response bu’ I wasn’t protesting was I? So I lead him into the Lounge room and we star’ed watching whatever was on the screen. Jack looked intent for about ten minutes before his eyes started wand’ring round the room... and his eyes landed on mine. “Your eyes are crazy blue,” he stated, leanin’ in closer to me for a good look.

“Thanks...” I said, looking back into Jack’s hypnotic chocolate ones.

“Are you opposed to boys kissing?” jack asked me, still intent on my eyes. I gulped; I ‘adn’t made my mind up on this topic yet!

“I uh... I guess not, eh...” I answered, suddenly incredibly nervous.

“That’s awesome,” Jack replied, leanin’ in ever closer and snaking his arm around my waist. “’Cause you are heaps pretty,” he said, closin’ the gap between us and pressing his lips to mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I’d never felt more alive.

I was soarin’.

chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, pairing: multiple, author: x_cheapnovelty, rating: nc-17

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