Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 4/?

Aug 28, 2009 17:10

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 4/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine.
POV: Alex
Warnings: Naughty mouth words, eventual homogay fornication and the nonsense you come to accept that is my vocabulary.
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary.
Dedications: verymuchalivex because she makes me squee out loud
Author Notes: Thought I'd update before the weekend because it's sure to be a largely busy one what with boyfriends, best friends and major works =/ thankyou all for being so so lovely to me! From this chapter on, things might get a liiiittle more interesting... x)

Hai oli its alex. Still good for 2moro? Xxo

Ello doll. Yeh mate what did u have in mind? <3

Idk do you wanna come round for a jam? :) xxo

It sounds delightful but I don’t think ur talking about the condiment.

Oli xo

Haha sorry man. Dyou just want to come hang out at mine? Xo

Alrite mate be there bout 11 that ok by u? X

Awesome :) See u tomoro. Xxo

Tis twenty year til then. <3


I wasn’t sure when the last time was that I was this nervous. It was about 10.30 and I’d turned into an OCD trainwreck. My room was perfect, the house was spotless. I had strategically planned CDs, guitars and other such items scattered about so Oli would notice them and think I was awesome. I was nearing panic mode when -


Jack was calling me.

"Heeeey Lexyyyy!"

"Jackattack, wassup man?"

"Is the pretty boy at your house yet?"

"No... he should be coming in approximately 17 minutes."

"Dude, you're freaking out aren't you?"

"... yes"

"It'll be okay. Just pounce on him. Or play video games or something. Then pounce on him again, but this time rip his pants off an-"

"Yeah, will do, man."


And then the little terror hung up. He did not help with the whole 'nerves' thing. In fact, he made me more nervous. What if Oli wanted to kiss me? Worse, what if I went to kiss him and he turned out to be completely uninterested and I interpreted his actions as flirting when he was just being British? What if he doesn't turn up?! Oh God, oh God...

And then the doorbell rang.

Jesus titty-fucking Christ he's here. He's at my door. Well it might not be him, it might be like, girl scouts or some shit. Not that girl scouts have ever knocked on my door. No day like today for a door knock! Fuck, Alexander, answer the door... and please let it be Oli. And please don't let me say anything outrageously dumb!

"Ello love"

I swallowed in an awfully gulpy way.

"Hai Oli. Come in."

"Don't mind if I do," he said with a grin and stepped through the doorway.

Okay, he's in your house. Now whatever you do, don't follow Jack's advice. Except the video game bit. But the molestation probably won't go down too well.

"Whot you been doin' all morning?"

"Sleeping, actually. I usually don't arise until about 10.30."

Except today when I was up at about 6 because you give me anxiety issues.

"Fair point, well made."

"What about you?"

"I was just watching telly with me little bro, Tommy."

"Does he look like you?"

As pretty and sexy and just fucking hottttt?

"Well not really... he's got these crazy blue eyes like fuckin' glaciers or somethin'. But we get on alright don't we."

"Sick. Well, I'll give you the grand tour..."

And so I did. I showed him my house, we lingered a while in my room when he spied my CD collection and, just as Jack had kindof predicted, we ended up in the living room playing Rock Band at full volume. Thankfully the parents' day jobs extended to saturdays as well so I had the house to myself. Oli and I had successfully demolished a few hours worth of songs before our stomachs demanded attention and we grabbed snacks.

"Damn I wish we 'ad Rock Band at 'ome," Oli said. "We only 'ave Guitar Hero and it's alright innit but 'avin' drums too is well wicked."

"It goes alright. I can't really play it unless Jack or someone is over. It's boring on your own."

"You don't 'ave any siblings? No crazy sister or weird little brother?"

"Um... no. Not since I was... Nah, it's just me."


"I call myself an only child. I had a brother but he died when I was still small."

"Oh man I'm sorry. Even if you were a tot it'd be 'ard to lose 'em."

"Yeah, well. Ash Ketchum is my brother," I said with a grin.

"Oh Pokemon is the absolute best thing ever invented, innit?!" He trilled excitedly.

"You wanna play?"

"You have a game?????"

"Yeah, Stadium on my old Nintendo 64"


In the next few hours we beat all 8 gym leaders and were now locked in a ferocious battle against each other. It was my Dragonair against his Charizard and the outcome was yet to be determined. We were sprawled on the floor, controllers in hand, eyes locked on the screen. Yet my mind was still in a frenzy.

FUCK ME DEAD OUR THIGHS ARE TOUCHING. Oh, quick use thunder wave, it'll paralyze him. He's really good at this. And he is really, very pretty. Don't look at him! Eyes on the prize! Well that doesn't make sense, would he be the prize or would beating his Charizard be the prize? HE WOULD BE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? If I can just inch a bit closer... I can touch his shoulder... and now elbows... oh my God we're practically cuddling.

Then his Charizard used flamethrower for the last time and finished off my Dragonair.

"You beat me!" I exclaimed in surprise. It was NOT often someone beat me at Pokemon. We must be soulmates. Then he turned to face me and the look on his face made me tremble. He had fire in his eyes and it wasn’t Charizard’s reflection.

"And what do I get for winnin', eh?" he cooed, biting one of his lip piercings.

I almost melted.


THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER! DO NOT DROOL AT HIM! But he is so pretty...

"Um, you win... um..."

"Can I get a victory smooch?"

Smooch? Smooch means kiss. OhmygodohmygodohmygodohmyFUCKINGgod!

I just swallowed and nodded. I couldn't co-ordinate anything else, he had melted my brain. And taking that as an affirmation, he moved his head towards me and ever-so-softly tilted my chin towards him with his right hand.

"I like you, Alex," he said and my eyes fluttered to a close as he pressed his lips to mine.

pairing: alex gaskarth/oliver sykes, chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, rating: pg-13, author: x_cheapnovelty

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