Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 3/?

Aug 25, 2009 23:49

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing:  Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine.
POV: Alex
Warnings: Naughty mouth words, eventual homogay fornication and the nonsense you come to accept that is my vocabulary.
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary.
Dedications: verymuchalivex because she believes in me :) and we read fic together out loud in stupid accents.
Author Notes: writing this story made me happy again. So I hope it makes you happy too :) & thoughts are in italics.

“I just meant he has pretty hair is all... I’d kill for a barnet like that.”

“The fuck is a barnet?

“It’s a... never mind. His hair is good is the point”

“Don’t lie to me Alex!”

We were walking home from school and by now we had reached my house.

“You’re like a female. Come in and we’ll have a fat gossip. I can even paint your nails if you want.”

“Shut up, fagskarth, you aint weaseling out of this one.”

Maybe I should just tell him. “Jack, I think I’m bisexual and want to fuck have feelings for Oli.”

Jack sat down on my bed and looked at me expectantly.


“Don’t give me that, you know exactly what. Start talking, Alexia.”

“I was born Alexander William in the harsh woodlands of Essex -”

“Do I have to hit you with a saucepan?”

“Anything but the saucepan!”

“Then speak.”

“Jack, you know how the other day you said I could tell you anything? Did you mean anyyythinggg?”

“Anything short of murder, yeah sure. Unless it was -”

“I’ve got a secret,” I cut him off, biting my lip.

It’s on the tip of my tongue, on the back of my lungs. I can’t keep it.

“A secret? You? Have a secret? From me? How dare you! Tell me now or the saucepan and your face will be in alignment.”

“Hold up there, cowboy. This won’t be easy to say, alright?”

“... Okay.”

You can do this, Alex. It’s Jack, he won’t disown you. Its not like he’s homophobic, you’ve made out with him!

“I’ve... been grappling with a concept.”
“A concept.”

“Yes, a concept... that we’re familiar with but have never thought about seriously...”

“You’re a junkie.”

“No, Jack!”

“Then spit it out!”

“I’mbiandIhaveacrushonOli,” I blurted out in one breath then proceeded to blush and stop breathing altogether until Jack decided to respond. He didn’t for a while, so the need to breathe won out over having a dramatic effect.

“Well it’s not like the bi part is a shock... I guess I half expected you to come out as a full-blown homogay one day...”
“That puts me at ease.”

“Aww, Alex, come here,” he said, opening his arms wide as I crawled into his lap.

“You seriously thought I’d disown you for being bi?”

“... a little bit,” I admitted, safe now, enveloped within his arms. My Jacky-bear Barakitten. My safety blanket.

“You thought wrong. Now, your first plan of attack will have to be to charm the pants off of Mr. Sykes. Otherwise known as... Pretty Oli, yes? So. Prong one is to be charming, like the Arab, and you must charm Oli, who is the snake. Then basically do him up the pooper until -”



“Oli probably doesn’t go for men. And please don’t go into detail about prong two.”

I’d rather think about it myself. Pretty Oli, pressed up against the side of my car, my tongue in his mouth, his hands sliding into -

“Then it is time to do a little research, Spalex. Have fun fapping to Oli doll tonight; I gotta get home. I have a date with Pikachu and Mom’s spaghetti.”

“What?” I asked, startled by his sudden notion to leave. But he simply gave me a knowing look, kissed my cheek and bounded out of the house. He’d probably been sitting still too long; any longer and he’d most likely explode like the mighty Voltorb.


It was finally Friday afternoon. Fridays were my favourite because the anticipation for the weekend made everyone happier. I was heading out the school gate, eager to get home when I heard a magical sound.

“Alex! Oi, Alex! Hey wai’ up, mate.”

At your service, Master Sykes... no wait, I am the snake charmer, and he is the snake.

“Sup Oli?”

“I’m a bit keen about this Friday business aint I? Gosh, can’t wait to ditch school for the rest of me years.”
“Not headed to college then?”

“No way, not me. Unless it’s art school bu’ I doubt I’d get in ta tha’ anyway. I’ll either try me luck at the music biz or ‘ang around ‘ere ‘til me little bro finishes ‘is schooling up as well and we’d go into business or summin. Dunno. Wha’ ‘bout you, Mr Gaskarf?”




“Sorry, I space out a lot...”

I have got to stop doing that.

“I’ll probably try my luck in the music biz as well. I’m in a band, we’re getting kinda big in the local area. Are you in a band, Oli?”

Please say yes. If he played guitar I think I’d start frothing.

“Well I was back ‘ome but it’s a bit ‘ard to be a front man when I’m in a diff’rent country innit? I do miss it, though. You American lot over ‘ere aint into ya heavy me’al”

“Yeah I guess. But we do have shedloads of metal bands.”

“Yeah, well, not in this town, I meant.”

Take the bull by the horns, Alexander.

“You have a girlfriend over there too?”
“Nah. None o’ the chicks over ‘ere ‘ave caught me eye either,” he said as he glanced up at me and winked.

What? What does that mean? What does that winking mean in that sentence?!

“I don’t know where they live but it’s not here.”
“You got that righ’, I’m tellin’ ya.”

“What’re you doing tomorrow, Oli? Come hang out.”

“I’d be delighted, Alexander” he replied, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and putting his own number in. Then with another wink he sauntered off home without another word. I looked down at the screen after he was too far away for me to keep staring at his fabulous buttocks and saw the name he’d put in.

Your Oli <3

pairing: alex gaskarth/oliver sykes, chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, author: x_cheapnovelty, rating: r

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