Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 6/?

Sep 22, 2009 15:31

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 6/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes mainly...
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine.
POV: Alex/Oli/Tom
Warnings: Naughty mouth words, eventual homogay fornication and the nonsense you come to accept that is my vocabulary.
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary. Those boys aren't mine.
Dedications: verymuchalivex because she's better than a boyfriend and helped with a snippet of plotline :D
Author Notes: I'm so very sorry it took me this long to write this chapter! But I made it smutty to make up for the wait ;D

Oli's POV.

"Tommy! What you doin' t'day you little scamp? You know I've got Alex comin' round, righ'? Are you gonna be 'ere as well or are you running off to play with your little mates?"

"Oli, I'm not 12, righ'? I dunno eh, I might hang about, or I might 'run off to play', What's it matter to you anyway?"

"Just wonderin' wasn't I?"

"Yeah wotev, I know you like 'im it's okay, I'll stay outta your way,"

So Tom went back up to his bedroom. In all honesty I wouldn't mind if Tom stayed about, 'im and Alex would probably hit it off. But today was about Alex and I. We did cute, we'd been doing fucking cute for the last couple of weeks 'adn't we? I was over cute and completely ready for fuckinghot. I mean, it's 'ard to be patient when Alexander Gaskarth is between your thighs innit?

Ding dong

And the dreamboat has arrived on me doorstep. Brilliant. I fixed me fringe up til it was perfect and headed over to the entrance hall.

Righ' Oliver. The time is now, be sexy and entrance the boy, he is yours for the taking, so pounce llke a mighty puma, Don't fall for the puppy face! Avert the eyes if 'e starts doin' that thing that makes you melt. No meltin' today, Oli, It's all electric.


Alex's POV

I'd been in Oli's house for all of 10 minutes and he'd already led me up to his bedroom, locked the door and pinned me against it.

"Don't move an inch," Oli purred in my ear before he went over to a stereo and flicked it on and My Static Orgasm began to blast from the speakers. Little did I know I was about to find out the meaning behind their band name...

He pulled off my shirt and did the same to himself, moving to my neck and utilizing those pearly whites of his. I couldn’t help but moan.

“Now that’s what I wanna hear innit... “
“Is it?” I breathed breathlessly.

“You know it is.” And he moved us from the wall to the bed. We landed with a soft thump and I giggled before moving to straddle Oli, our mouths colliding.

“Fuck you’re hot,” I said, running my fingers down his torso, savouring the feeling.

“No way, you’re fucking hotter,” he grinned, flipping us and moving his hands to my belt, ripping it off and biting his bottom lip before yanking my pants down and grinding against me.

“Holy Fuck.”

He chuckled and kept grinding mercilessly. All I could do was close my eyes and pull his face closer to mine, desperate now. I pulled his pants down past his hips so our trouser snakes were exposed. The friction made me shudder and this time Oli was the one to moan.

“Omigod, this is too good... Alex can I...?” Oli breathed and I knew what he meant. The thrill of his words made me much too eager and Little Alexander throbbed excitedly. I didn’t answer but instead rolled us over again.

“Close your eyes, doll,” I commanded and he did just that. I shifted so I was sitting on his thighs and hesitated before taking his manhood full in my mouth. Oli’s eyes flew open and a moan poured out of his mouth at the same time.

“CHRIST ON A BIKE, ALEX. Ohmy goddd.” I smiled around him and came back up to meet his eyes. “That’s it, now I’m gonna pound you like the migh’y Clefairy,” he said with a giggle and before I knew it he’d whipped out a bottle of lube and was coating himself with it. “But before I do tha’... I would like to know... if you wanna be my boyfriend?” It took me a second to gather my thoughts after the rush of splendour attacked my brain.

“Of course!” I nearly squealed and pulled him back for another kiss. He broke away.

“Brilliant.” And with that he took the plunge, sinking deep into me. I gasped; it hurt. But he kissed me soothingly and his piercings distracted me for a moment. Nom nom nom. But then he started slow thrusts, building up so slowly until it didn’t hurt anymore and in place of the pain it was satisfaction and then he starting hitting my spot. I didn’t know which way was up.


“Oh my goddd”

“Faster, shit, Oli!”

“Alex... I’m... so-o close...”

We were all tangled limbs and hot kisses, fringes in our face and so, so close to creating a sticky mess in Oli’s pristine bedsheets.

“Alex, Alexander... I’m - oh, God”

But it seemed Oli wasn’t new to this and he reached down to stroke my throbbing python of love at just the right time.


Oli panted out a laugh before a few final thrusts and I felt the warmth squirt out of him; it was enough to tip me over the edge and I came seconds after he did.

We collapsed in a sticky jumble trying to catch our breath.

“I like you a fair bit Mr Alex,” Oli said with a grin, turning to face me. “You’re freaking amazing aren’t ya?”

“I think you’ll find... that you’re like, awesome,” I replied oh-so eloquently. Not.

We laid there like that, just cuddling and smooching to the music that was still blaring. This was so much better than anything Jack prepared me for.

“Oli... I know it’s um, a bit forward and like, quick and all, but I was wondering if you’d be... interested... in a threesome?”

“You’re jokin’ aren’t ya?”

I blushed. “Well, no.”

“Sounds bloody brilliant dunnit? Who’s the keen bunny then?”
“Jack, actually”

Oli just looked at me for a minute while he processed that. Then he blinked.

“Tha’ would be... fuckin’ mindblowin’, Alex! When can we go about doin’ jus’ that?”

“Whenever the hell you want!” I replied, moving to kiss him again, which is when we heard the door open. Both of our heads whipped around in horror but it was too late; Tom walked in, messing his hair up as he did so.

“Hey, Oli, I was ju-“

But as he raised his eyes to our level he stopped dead in his tracks. There we were, two completely nude rabbits in the headlights, still sticky from our afternoon romp.

“God, Tom! You ever ‘eard o’ knocking?! Fuck.”

“I’ll just... um... go...” Tom said, blushing and rushing out of the room backwards.

“God, ‘ow embarrasin’...” Oli said, burying his face in a pillow.

“He won’t mind will he?” I asked uncertainly.

“Christ I ‘hope not... like, ‘e knew, but I don’t think he ever expected to walk in on it, y’know?”


Tom’s POV

I slammed my door and leant against it, still a bit shaken. I mean, I knew Oli swung both ways and all tha’ but... actually seeing him with one, a hot one at that, and all naked and everything, it just... it’s a bit overwhelming. I couldn’t get the image of Alex and Oli out of my mind...

pairing: alex gaskarth/oliver sykes, chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, author: x_cheapnovelty, rating: nc-17

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