Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 8/?

Oct 09, 2009 04:06

Title: Dark-eyed Dreamers Ch 8/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes/Jack Barakat/Tom Sykes
Summary: He pouted as he sauntered, and he sauntered all the way into the empty desk next to mine.
POV: Alex/Tom/Oli - First person & Third person in one bit.
Warnings: FOURSOME!. Homoerotica, incest and dick beards.
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary and highly aweesomeeee.
Dedications: verymuchalivex and my friend Calvin, who is a straight male, but read my story and LIKED IT.
Previous chapters: one two three four five six seven
Author Notes: This chapter is freaking huuuuge but you all got what you've been promised. THE EPIC FOURSOME OF LOVE!

Tom’s POV

I never wanted to move from this couch, from this boy, whose unexpected entrance into my life had just swept me off my fuckin’ feet. His lips were still moving with mine, not yet bein’ so bold as to ask for entrance but I’d overcome the shock and was by now well and truly engaged in this exciting new character. I grew a bit brave and moved my ‘ands to cup his face and waist, running me tongue over ‘is bottom lip. He complied to my request an’ par’ed his lips to deepen the kiss. We grew excited, I’d say fairly excited, ‘cause it weren’t long before Jack was all of a sudden astraddle me and I could feel the no-longer-dormant bulge in ‘is pants beginnin’ to respond. I blushed a li’l bit, ‘cause like, I’d made tha’ happen, hadn’t I? Jack ‘ad just slipped me the tongue when I ‘eard a door close somewhere upstairs. I didn’t really care, I was much too focused on the well adorable boy I was tonguein’, but then I heard footsteps. I heard mild chatter; the mild chatter of Oliver and Alexander. I tried to get Jack to stop bu’ he was much too enthusiastic and all I could do was succumb to his seduction helplessly. I guess Oli was about to get a rude shock...

I heard the footsteps stop but Jack was just so flippin’ persistent that I was only half concerned when I really should’ve been panicking because my brother was about to come in the room an’ find ‘is little brother pashin’ his boyfriend’s best friend! Bu’ as I gripped Jack’s face firmly to push him off ‘e took that as a sign of passion and ground his hips down into mine fiercely, causing a moan to escape my throat. Then from somewhere behind us came the cries of:



Oh God. Why? Why couldn’t they ‘ave jus’ stayed in their fuckin’ room? I was ‘avin’ fun, Oliver. So were you, judgin’ by the state of your hair. Why did Jack even come over anyway if they were gettin’ it on?

And then it dawned on me.

Did they want Jack to... join in?

Oli’s POV

I couldn’t really do anyfin but stand there ‘alf-gaping at my little brother. Was it wrong to be completely turned on by watchin’ him make out wiv Jack? ‘Cause that’s what I was.

“Hey guys! I wanted to make friends with Tom, he looked nice. And really pretty. Plus I didn’t really wanna interrupt you guys. Whats new?” Jack chirped, completely unfazed that he’d just been caught snoggin’ my brother. As soon as Jack ‘ad opened ‘is mouth, a grin spread across Alex’s face and he let go of my hand to bounce over and hug Jack.

“Hey Jack! Tom is really pretty. By the way, hi Tom.” Alex greeted just as cheerfully as Jack. Tom just nodded meekly, still burnin’ up from being caught. I felt just as awkward as Tom looked so I strolled up to him... Not sure what I was gonna say, bu’ I didn’t want him to feel bad...

“Ey Tommy,” I said, playfully punchin’ his arm.

“Ey Oli...” he muttered, glancing up at me awkwardly. I didn’t like this, Tommy usually wasn’t awkward. So I plopped down on the couch between him and Jack and flung an arm around him.

“You blokes are givin’ Alex and I a run for our money,” I said with a wink and he finally cracked a smile.

“Doubt tha’... it looked a bit more heated when I walked in on youse,” he said, laughing now. This was good, very good.

Alex’s POV

... Was it wrong to think that Oli and Tom would look hot making out? Just, the way they were sitting... so comfortable touching one another... as though they already were lovers... it made me bite my lip and I knew what I wanted to happen now. I went to straddle Oli but before he could get out the excited “Heyy!” that I knew was coming, I silenced his lips with my own. I could almost hear Tom’s surprise and Jack’s grin. So I would make this fun for them. I kissed Oli fiercely, still getting a thrill from every time I touched him in that new-couple way. I did not hesitate in slipping him the tongue, then pulling back to play with his lip piercings. Oli moaned softly and I swear I heard Tom gulp. I cackled internally and crushed our lips back together again, this time moving my hips to grind down on Oli’s pelvis. He smiled into the kiss and grabbed at my ass playfully as I kept grinding.

“You guys... you’re making me horny!” Jack whined and Oli went to respond but I wouldn’t let him. Instead, I ground into him mercilessly and he moaned involuntarily loud; I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Fuuck you’re amazing,” Oli said, pressing his forehead to mine.

“Mm, I know,” I replied before kissing him again.

Tom’s POV

Okay not gonna lie, watching Alex and Oli snog is flippin’ hot. I had to control meself but’, ‘cause... this could turn out to be embarrassin’. I didn’t know what the hell they had planned but I’d walked in on it and now I was a part of it and I didn’t know what the actual fuck was goin’ on. Then Jack caught my eye. He started walking over with this wicked glint in his perfect eyes.

“They’re hot... but you’re hotter,” he said, grinnin’, and then ‘e pulled me up off the couch in one swift movement. It caught me off guard an’ I swayed on the spot for a sec before he came into focus again, but just as soon as I thought I’d caught my breath, he snogged me and my brain turned to mush. I didn’t care what was happ’nin’ anymore, I’d go along with fuckin’ anything. Jack ran his hands through my hair, down my face, neck, torso and landed on my hips, grasping them firmly and closing the gap between our bodies. ‘Soon as he did this my body started to really respond and I was excited; so excited. I kissed him ‘ungrily now, fingers raking through his hair, desp’rate. He pulled away and chuckled before whispering “let’s get this started,” and led me to the stairs by my hand. I didn’t know if he’d been in my house before but I guess it was straigh’forward to get to Oliver’s bedroom. He reached the doorframe and pinned me ‘gainst it, liftin’ me up so I could wrap my legs around him and he could create the hottest friction between the bumps in our jeans. We stayed there for a minute before we became much too horny and started rippin’ each others clothes off. T-shirts and belts ‘ad been discarded by the time Alex and Oli had caught up to us.

“Hot fuck what is going on here...” Alex said, dropping Oli’s hand and moving toward Jack who was panting. Alex undid Jack’s pants and pushed them off him before taking off his own t-shirt, grabbing Jack by the face and kissing him passionately. I jus’ gaped for a minute before glancin’ at Oli who looked just as aroused as I seemed to be. In a fit of glee I scampered over to him and hugged him round the waist.

“This is fun, Oli,” I said, though as soon as I said it I felt like a child.

“Fuckin’ oath,” Oli replied and with that he took his own shirt off and kissed me.

*POV change to 3rd person*

Oli pulled away from Tom gently and looked into his little brothers eyes with caution. Oli wanted this, he fucking wanted it badly and this was his chance. A smile slowly broke out on the smaller boy’s face and he leant up to kiss his brother again. Oli smirked into the kiss and led Tom to the bed, pulling his own belt off as he went.

Jack was savouring the feeling of his best friend’s tongue on his when he heard the soft moans coming from the bed. To be perfectly honest he’d almost forgotten about the Sykes Bros until he heard them moaning. Jack turned to look and almost came on the spot; Tom and Oli were really enthusiastic with each other. Jack wondered vaguely if they’d ever considered or maybe even done this before when he heard Alex groan in pleasure. Jack was confused for a moment before he followed Alex’s gaze to the scene on the bed he’d been watching moments before. With a spark of enthusiasm he grabbed Alex’s hand and they skipped to the bed, where they all swapped partners like they were in a bizarre, gay, sexual square dance. Jack pounced on Oli, causing him to tumble off of Tom to be pinned down by none other than Jack Barakat. Oli smirked and Jack crashed their lips together lustily.

This left the bewildered Tom defenseless on the bed, there for Alex to take control of. Alex felt a bit sorry for Tom, who’d been thrown into this spontaneously but Alex was too horny to be pitiful for long so he clambered on top and rolled them so that Tom was on top of someone for once. Tom smiled down at Alex appreciatively though he felt a bit weird about riding his brother’s boyfriend. Then again, Alex was really pretty so Tom kissed him just for the hell of it.

Alex was enjoying himself immensely, but it wasn’t long until he needed his Pretty Oli and his piercings and body and... Alex just craved his boyfriend, period. So Alex pulled away from Tom, pecked him again and then watched the other two going at it for a minute before prodding them both. Oli and Jack looked around in unison, looking like lost seagulls.

“I think we should all get naked,” Alex stated and they all murmured in agreement before standing up to get their pants and boxers off. Oli hurried over to the window to draw the blinds, Alex closed the door, Tom stayed on the bed and Jack was rustling around the room, apparently looking for something. He found whatever it was he was looking for and rushed over to Tom, pulling him off the bed. Tom stumbled a bit in the almost-dark room but was steady when Jack pressed him against the bedroom wall and began kissing him again. Tom did not protest; he found Jack alluring and couldn’t get enough of the feeling of Jack’s lips on his. Jack began thrusting his hips forward so that their hard-ons were creating the most wonderful feeling and Tom elicited a moan as Jack wrapped a hand around both of their cocks at once and began jerking them off. There was a small cough from on the bed and Oli and Alex were sitting there like an audience, cross-legged though each boy had their arms extended to jerk the other one off as they watched. Tom was too distracted by their bizarre behaviour to notice that Jack had let go but did notice when Jack herded him onto the bed next to Oli. Jack turned his back upon the three boys and upon turning around had a fake beard attached to his face. The other three couldn’t help but fall about laughing.

“Jack... what the actual fuck?” Alex laughed, waving his arms about like an Italian.

“I command you to obey the power of the beard,” Jack announced and the three others fell silent. “The man with the beard is the one you obey. Now, all of you stand up. Immediately.” They all stood up and Jack nodded in satisfaction. “Oliver, get your hand off Alexander’s derriere. Alex, go stand against the wall and Oli, you stand in front of him. Here’s what’s gonna happen: Alex is gonna fuck Oli.” The couple looked at each other cheekily and Alex bit Oli on the neck before pecking his lips. Tom watched as this small exchange made Oli’s dick that much harder and he felt his own grow considerably more rigid. Jack looked directly into Tom’s eyes. “Tom... I want you to kneel in front of your brother,” Jack said, stroking his beard, and Tom swallowed. He looked over at Oli and they shared a look of uncertainty before Oli smiled at Tom and winked. So Tom took up his position on his knees, face-to-face with his brother’s dick. Oli moaned softly and Tom looked up, confused. He hadn’t even touched Oli yet! But Jack answered the question Tom never asked; “Alexander, I’m gonna have to get you to extract your finger from there immediately.” Alex and Oli giggled but did what Jack said.

“Uh... what ‘bout you, Jack?” Tom asked.

“I’m getting to that,” Jack said with a devilish grin. “Now that you are appropriately positioned... the fun will soon commence...” and he took the beard off. Tom was confused... there wasn’t really anywhere for Jack to go, and he felt like he was receiving the shitty end of the bargain. But the attention was drawn back to Jack as he announced:

“BEHOLD! The Dick Beard!”

Jack had poked his dick through the mouth hole of the fake beard to make it look like, well... a Dick Beard. Tom just stared. Alex erupted into laughter and Oli looked at Jack like he was half amused and half angry.

“Just fucking get on with it Jack... I don’t know about you, but I could not be any hornier...” Alex drawled, moving his hands down Oli’s torso to stroke his erection. Once again, Tom could do nothing but stare, and his hard-on almost began to ache.

“Okay. Festivities are go!” Jack yelled flamboyantly, flinging the Dick Beard off and kneeling behind Tom. He extracted a small bottle from somewhere and squirted a bit into his palms before throwing it to Alex. “Be nice, Spalex. You don’t want to hurt the boy.”

“Oh but Pretty Oli likes it rough, don’t you?” Alex cooed. Oli smirked and looked at Jack pointedly.

“Well go on then, let’s get started.”

“Indeed!” Jack agreed and Tom felt him move up real close behind him. “Okay Tom, Oli probably won’t want his dick in your mouth when I do this so... just relax, okay?”

Then Tom realised what Jack was doing. Tom was The Spit. Before he could say anything though, Jack had slipped a finger inside him and it felt weird. Not good, not bad, just weird. “Daamn tight...” Jack muttered and Tom wasn’t sure if he was supposed to hear it. While this was happening it looked like Alex was doing the exact same thing to Oli; the only difference was that Alex started off with two fingers.

“Oh God...” Oli whimpered and Alex smirked before scissoring his boyfriend. “My gosh, fuck, Alex, get in me!” groaned Oli and it seemed Alex was more than happy to comply, because Oli let out a loud “Christ, fuck me!” a few seconds later.

“Oh, I will,” Alex responded. “Jack, you gonna contribute?” he asked Jack, who, it seemed, was too intent on Alex and Oli to remember what he was supposed to be doing.

“Right,” he muttered and entered a second slippery finger into Tom’s entrance.

“Fuck!” Tom yelled. He wasn’t sure how fun this would be any more. But then Jack was stroking his hair and kissing his neck and he calmed down enough to sigh “keep going,” which is exactly what Jack did. He coated himself with more lube and scissored Tom a bit before taking the plunge and sinking deep inside of the younger boy. Tom cried out and squeezed his eyes tight until the pain went away; he wasn’t expecting it to hurt that much. But now he needed Jack to move immediately before he exploded. Jack started his rhythm and Alex started to thrust deep inside Oli. Almost instantaneously a string of profanities began to fall from Oliver’s lips and Tom was not surprised to learn that his brother was vocal when it came to sex.

“Oh my tittyfucking God, Alexander... you are tooo good at this...” Oli drawled but Tom only registered this as background noise, because that was when Jack hit his spot and the pain became pleasure and hot damn he didn’t know anything could ever feel that good. He would have to engage in anal sex more often.

Jack worked up into a rhythm that him and Tom seemed to get perfect but if they didn’t slow down this would all be over too soon. Jack nudged Tom forward slightly so that they were in the most perfect foursome structure that Jack thought could ever exist and he leant down to whisper in Tom’s ear “don’t forget your brother...”

Tom looked up and nodded, panting now, and licked his lips before engulfing Oli’s trouser snake whole. Oli’s eyes opened wide at the sudden wave of pleasure and he let out the most delectable moan any of them had ever heard, spurring them on. Jack pounded into Tom mercilessly now, forgetting to be careful, focusing on the sensation resulting from each thrust in and out of Tom’s entrance. Tom’s head was spinning, each time Jack thrust in it hit his spot and it was all he could do to keep Oli in his mouth instead of screaming profanities and praises to the heavens. Instead he worked his mouth to move with Jack’s rhythm.

Oli was a trembling mess of pleasure. Between his boyfriend hitting his spot dead-on and his brother sucking his cock like a whore might, it was all he could do not to blow his load too soon, but Tom was moaning right there on his dick and the vibrations were driving him fucking crazy because Alex was just too good at this and he seemed to figure out the exact moment when he should thrust in and holy fuck Oli had never felt this good in his entire life. Alex was concentrating on what he could see on the floor in front of his lover; his best friend inside another guy and usually the mere thought of that would get Alex hard but now it was in front of his eyes he had never been more turned on in his whole life. He pounded into Oli ruthlessly, working hard to get that fiery tingle deep within and it wasn’t long before he got just that. He gripped Oliver’s hips hard and as Oli’s muscled tightened as he neared climax is made it that much better for Alex and his knees started to buckle as he threw his head back moaning for all the world to hear before he brought it back down to press his forehead against the nape of Oli’s sweaty neck.

Tom was seriously struggling not to drop his brother’s dick. Jack was just sending shockwave after shockwave through him and he couldn’t keep his mouth full much longer when Alex began thrusting brutally and Oli gripped Tom’s hair so hard it may have hurt if Tom wasn’t in ecstasy. Alex moaned like a whore, arched his back and released inside his lover. Oli’s dick became rock solid and with one final shudder he came into Tom’s mouth in what was possibly the most violent orgasm he’d ever had and Tom swallowed, grateful for the chance to breathe and pant and moan and scream as much as he fucking wanted now that Oli had been taken care of, though swallowing his brother’s come just turned him on that much more.

Alex pulled out of Oli, still running his hands down every surface of his boyfriend he could reach and tugged him towards the bed where they flopped down to cuddle.

“I fuckin’ love you, Alex,” Oli whispered, kissing Alex’s forehead. Alex just gazed at Oli for a moment before gushing “I love you too, Oli,” and moving in to kiss him.

Meanwhile, on the floor, Jack seized the opportunity to flip Tom around so that they were face-to-face and Jack kissed him, tasting Oli before moving his hand down to grasp Tom’s boner. It was desperate now and Tom couldn’t hold out much longer. Jack’s hips worked relentlessly and both boys were almost screaming. Oli watched from the bed as his little brother arched his back and Jack kissed his neck, stroked his dick until they were a mess of moans and with a shuddering groan Jack emptied his fill inside Tom, and Tom climaxed shortly after, spilling out onto Jack’s hand as he called his name. Jack pulled out and they both fell to the floor in exhaustion, Jack crawling up to kiss Tom again.


Alex’s POV

The rest of Saturday was spent cuddling and napping, all four of us not wanting to leave the other’s sides all day. It was a strange thing, four teenage guys so emotionally attached to each other, but then again, two were actually related...

I wondered vaguely if it would be weird for them now after this, though from the way Tom was curled up between Jack and Oli, you wouldn’t think so. Then I wondered if Tom and Jack would become anything more after this chance encounter. It could be weird. That being said, it could also lead to more foursomes.

chaptered: dark-eyed dreamers, pairing: multiple, author: x_cheapnovelty, rating: nc-17

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