Beautiful Lie [to Believe in] | 10/?? | AoixRuki, UruhaxRuki

Nov 04, 2010 22:33

Title: Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter: 10/??
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: AoixRuki, RukixAoi, UruhaxRuki
Theme: 047: Sweet Romance - Raphael @ 50stories
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU (highschool), angst, SMUT
Warnings: Yaoi, (slight) pedophilia, incestuous relationship, domestic abuse, possible violence. Not comfortable with those issues? Save yourselves and DON'T read this. I'm serious.
Disclaimer: Title is taken from 30 Seconds to Mars's song, Beautiful Lie. the GazettE belongs to themselves and, yes, the Almighty PSC. I, well I own this story. It's fiction, meaning IT'S NOT REAL and I'm making no profit from it (except my 15 minutes of fame). Yes, mind that.
Beta: izumi_luvsjrock. Thank you thank you thank you! :D
Summary: He was an outcast, an unwanted child that was thrown away, even by his own family. He was taught by life not to trust anyone, especially those who came to him offering the thing called 'love'. 'Love' was just a small part of his dream, and dreams, as far as he knew, weren't real and could never be real.
In this case, Shiroyama Yuu was definitely not an exception.
Comment: Told you I'd be quick ;D And and and did you notice the rating & genre section up there? So you know what to expect, yes? Okay, now go ahead and click the cut below. ;)

Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter 10

It was still damp and cold, the sun barely touching the horizon with its reddish radiance. So early in the morning yet I was already out on the streets-empty and abandoned, just like how I felt right now. Twenty minutes earlier, I had been busy spewing whatever excuses my brain could come up with to reason with Uruha's mother, who had insisted that I should stay and leave for school with Uruha. Little did she know that I had absolutely no intention to go to school today, but I couldn't exactly tell her that now, could I? So instead I told her that I needed to grab my school stuff at home-like, my uniform, books and everything. She was probably not paying too much attention when I arrived at her place, so she might have not noticed that I hadn't been carrying an ounce of luggage.

Well at least she seemed to believe me. It's not as if I could tell her the truth.

A silent breeze slipped past me; my teeth chattered in response. I hugged myself, pulling my jacket tighter around my body. The cloud persisted hanging close to the ground, gloomy, dark, and heavy. It might rain pretty soon. The air even smelled like it already, wafting around me carrying that familiar earthen scent. I needed to hurry or else I would be soaked.

I strutted quickly along the pavement, but my mind was actually pacing backwards, across the distance and back to Uruha's house… to his bedroom, and what had happened there last night. Instantly something inflated inside my chest, growing in a blink of an eye and becoming a massive pressure around my lungs. I felt like someone was suffocating me. Had he been someone else-someone other than Uruha, someone that was not the only friend I knew I could trust-I wouldn't have felt so awful. But the fact that it was Uruha made that kiss a thousand times more regrettable than if it had been anyone else.

What I couldn’t figure out was why. Why did Uruha kiss me? Why did it happen? Why the apology and, most of all, why was there that sad look on his face afterwards? I had my own speculations, of course, but I didn’t have the courage to utter them out loud. I was scared and worried that if I did make my speculations known, then I would open a path for myself to get hurt or at least disappointed. Simply speaking, I was running away in denial. I refused to accept that my biggest fear could very well have come true.

More importantly, to be honest, I just couldn't stop worrying what that kiss might have changed, or worse, ruined between us. Uruha had acted almost normal-as normal as a guy who had just kissed his male best friend-when we talked this morning. He said that he was sorry, again, and I… well, I didn't know why exactly, but I told him that it was okay, that he didn't need to apologize about it. I told him that I was grateful to have someone like him around, especially now after everything that had happened to me, and then we hugged. We hugged, like everything would go back to normal afterwards. Like it was really that simple.

I saw Uruha smile but deep down inside I knew better. I knew things would never be the same again after last night.

I suddenly felt so, so alone.

‘If I can't trust Uruha, then who else am I supposed to trust? Who else? Am I really destined to be the way I am, forever lost, all by myself, struggling to find my way to survive?’

The suffocating feeling inside my chest grew more acute; I thought I was seriously asphyxiating in the middle of the street. It was at that moment I lifted my eyes from the ground, only to discover I had actually reached Yuu's apartment. The brown gate of the building greeted my sight, calming me somewhat, telling me that I'd come to a place that felt quite familiar. Drawn by something I could not explain, I tilted my head upward, and there he was, leaning against the railing of his small balcony staring down the distance straightly at me. Yuu.


Ten minutes later I was already sitting in Yuu's kitchen sipping on a cup of hot coffee. As expected, it was rainy outside now. Thick water droplets fell against the roof making such noise that you just couldn’t ignore. My eyes were following Yuu as he shuffled around the small apartment, grabbing on things and putting on his tie at the same time-he was making a mess. I let a smirk grow on my lips before I got up from my seat, leaving my cup on the table, and approached Yuu just when he was that close from tripping on his own carpet. He looked at me with a slight irritation in his eyes when I grabbed his tie and made him stand straight before me.

“How did you ever manage when I wasn't around…?” I mumbled, my hands already busy knotting his tie as neatly as I could. I wouldn’t call myself an expert in the matter of tying ties, but I was certainly a few levels better than Yuu-a rushed Yuu, especially.

Yuu shrugged. “No one ever noticed,” he said.

I hummed. I didn’t think anyone would pay so much attention to Yuu when he was all dressed up in his stiff, black blazer and starched white shirt. That’s the risk of being a teacher I suppose. No one really paid attention to you. Once you stood in front of the class, you became nothing but a germ-you existed, but in a disturbing kind of sense that everybody chose, almost automatically, to ignore you and pretend you didn’t exist. Yuu was not an exception to this.

Within a minute I had finished working on Yuu’s tie, and I dare say I had done a good job. I patted his chest lightly; my hand lingered there longer than necessary. I blinked, lifting my eyes to meet Yuu’s as I felt him grabbing my hand and held it in his grip.

This… this felt so wrong. I was looking into Yuu’s eyes but in my head, all I could see was Uruha’s sad, dejected face. The same suffocating feeling came over me once again-I was beginning to wonder if it would ever go away at all.

And then there came Yuu’s lips, touching mine softly. Like always, my lips-no, actually, my whole body including my heartbeat reacted almost immediately to Yuu’s action. I soon found myself clinging to him and kissing him without restraint, sensing the familiar warmth crawling up from the depth of my stomach to the rest of my body. This was so different compared to when Uruha kissed me. I remembered how I had frozen the second he touched me, my brain had turned into a mess, utterly too confused to decide what I was supposed to do. But with Yuu… it just seemed so simple. I didn’t feel the inhibition I had felt when I was with Uruha.

But then, I hadn’t exactly expected Uruha to kiss me, had I?

Yuu pulled back a moment later-our lips disconnected with a soft smack resounding in my ears. A hazy, tingling sensation was left under the surface of my lips. I swiped my tongue over my lips reveling Yuu’s taste. Yuu’s eyes were burning holes into my brain, staring at me so intensely I actually felt slightly intimidated. I knew instantly that, seeing it in his face I had stirred up something within him.

‘How awful… Why do I keep crumbling, falling into this dark, corrupted hole, over and over again, whenever I come face to face with you, Yuu? It’s like you’re the magnet that lies on the bottom of this hole that never fails to draw me to you and pull me down with you. Will I ever be free from your clutch?

Or do I even want to be free from you at all…?’

I felt like a fuse meeting the fire that instantly burned it, made it sizzle and would soon turn it into a major blast. Yuu grabbed me by the back of my head pulling me forward until our lips reconnected, devouring each other hungrily. I didn’t waste any time to open my mouth when I felt Yuu’s tongue flicking against my lips, and soon enough, we were battling for dominance which I knew would be won by him eventually.

A shiver ran down my spine when Yuu pulled me closer until my body was flush against his. My fingers curled taking a fierce grip on Yuu’s shirt, giving the least bit of a damn if I was crumpling it. I wanted him; I wanted him now, and I didn’t care if it was for the wrong reasons. I might have been looking for a way to get rid of the guilt I was feeling that had emerged from the depth of my conscience ever since Uruha kissed me. I might have been too frustrated without me knowing it and I needed a way for myself to vent.

Or maybe I was just desperate to forget about a lot of things and Yuu had never failed in making me forget.

“Yuu…” I moaned as Yuu bit a spot on my neck. His hands were on my back now, rubbing downward until they settled on my waist.

“I’m calling in sick today,” was all Yuu said before he claimed my mouth again.


I could feel Yuu’s fingers digging into my hips almost painfully but all I cared about now was how delicious Yuu’s cock felt inside of me, and how horrifyingly high I flew whenever he brushed against my prostate. With escalating fervor I moved. I kept on moving even though the muscles in my thighs began to burn, my body swallowing and releasing the length of Yuu’s cock over and over again. When I paused, it was only to kiss him, lick his lips or to bite his skin somewhere.

‘I’m way out of control. Help me, Yuu.’

Yuu’s hair was splayed around his head on top of the carpet where he had laid down. I was watching his face, his eyes specifically, that were glowing with the same amount of lust that was making me feel like I was being torched alive. It was what had been fueling me to keep on moving, to ride him for all he was worth. To please the both of us-something I had never thought of doing, ever since we had gotten involved in this tryst.

Our voices echoed one after another, whispering, moaning different curse words or sometimes each others’ names. I writhed when Yuu pulled me down, his lips latching on my left nipple and soon he was sucking on me like a baby would its’ mother. My movement became short but quick due to the position Yuu had gotten me in, but it was even more pleasurable now, especially because I had my cock trapped and pressed between our bodies. Yuu’s tongue flicked and teased my nipple repeatedly while I tried my best not to topple over and just give up, let him take me the way he always did, because God knows I was so awfully tempted to do so. In my head I was replaying all those moments when Yuu pounded into me with enough passion to make me lose my mind; I wanted to feel that again. I wanted Yuu so much, so suddenly that I couldn’t understand myself. The need had never been this overwhelming, as far as I could remember.

But there seemed to be no time-none that I was given-to think it through, because Yuu made a sudden movement that caused me to gasp. My world was tilting over… or so I thought. The next thing I knew, I was lying down with my back on the carpet, my breath hitching in my throat. Yuu loomed over me with his hair swaying down around his face, a ferocious glow could easily be seen in his pair of eyes. I could feel his organ slipping away from my body. The vacant feeling made me moan before I could stop myself.

‘Yuu, I’m burning. Please do something. Please.’

Yuu kissed me quickly, sloppily before I had the chance to complain; his body pressing down on me as if I could ever go deeper into the floor. His hands were all over me, driving my mind that much closer to the brink. I didn’t know what he was up to until he slipped away, lips following his direction tracing a wet trail upon my cheek. He was now lying on the carpet as well, by my side, kissing my neck endlessly. With a gentle but irrefutable gesture, he pushed me so that I was lying with my right side on the floor, facing away from him. He had the front side of his body pressing tightly against my back, curves and bulges and all-I couldn’t help but whimper in response to the feeling.

Yuu’s hand was rubbing my stomach, heading lower to where my cock was throbbing almost painfully, desperate for attention. I moaned shamelessly when he finally touched me, fondling my most sensitive parts so precisely that I thought I was going insane. All the while his mouth was busy sucking on my neck, shoulder… I didn’t know where else, I couldn’t think straight. There was just too much for me to feel, and I was so very ready to explode.

And then suddenly I was filled up again; Yuu had glided into me so deep I could actually feel his stomach pressing against my lower back. I screamed, clawing at the carpet, panting hard although it seemed like whatever I did, I could never catch my breath. Yuu moaned my name, his breath hot on my nape only helped the tension in me rise up higher than my body could possibly contain. I felt so utterly full, even to the point of being slightly painful, as if I was being ripped apart very, very slowly. Despite the pain, my body was actually welcoming this intrusion-desperate even, because before I knew it, my hips were moving, pressing back to meet Yuu’s movements.

“Taka…” whispered Yuu before he started moving in and out of me, claiming my body, invading me thoroughly. I gasped, moaning. My arm flew up, my hand reaching out to grasp onto Yuu’s neck.

I wasn’t sure of what I was muttering under my shaky breath. I think I was calling out Yuu’s name, begging for him to go on, to move faster, maybe. The only thing I could focus on was the feeling of Yuu and me, together, joined as one. Had I been more aware, I would have been questioning my own thoughts; how I was suddenly thinking of this unholy connection this way, instead of being drawn solely into the physical pleasure that it was giving me. There had never been the term ‘Yuu and me’. It just seemed… so out of place, especially when I thought about the purpose of our relationship in the first place. We were not lovers. That much was clear. So I didn’t understand why I was enjoying this-needing this more than I had ever thought I would.

“Yuu… God,” I felt tension exploding inside of me without me being able to control it. That spot in me that Yuu had touched, it was throbbing, sending electric shock throughout my body. It felt too good, and I wanted more of it.

As Yuu thrust into me, I moved my hips to meet him. Our movements were quick, messy, unmeasured, but neither of us seemed to care. Well I for certain didn’t give a damn, as long as Yuu kept on hitting that spot. But Yuu probably thought this wasn’t enough for me. His hand was suddenly splayed flat on my lower stomach, and then he started massaging. This gave me even more pressure inside my body every time Yuu’s cock brushed against my prostate, making the sensation ten times more unbearable. This way, I thought I wouldn’t last long-I knew I wouldn’t last long. I could feel it building up inside of me, unstoppable, racing towards the peak in a dizzying speed.

And as expected, after a few more thrusts, I came. I moaned, writhing, my body wrecked with spasms. I heard Yuu gasping, I felt his deadly grip on my hips but I was too overwhelmed by my own orgasm to take notice of what was happening around me. It wasn’t until Yuu rolled me over that I brought my attention back to him, also the hot, slick sensation between my legs, dripping down my thighs, replacing the vacant feeling that was left in me since Yuu had pulled away.

And then gently, Yuu kissed me.

It felt so right all of a sudden, like the whole thing was not something we should’ve been so worried about. When I slid my hands into his hair, pulling him down to lean against me, I wasn’t thinking about the things I normally thought during times like these. I wasn’t thinking about Dad, about Uruha, or about what the world might have said if they’d seen us doing what we were doing. There was only Yuu’s face inside my head, even when I closed my eyes, while my lips brushed against Yuu’s over and over again.

‘If only things were different Yuu, it would be so easy to fall in love with you.’

Minutes later the rain had subsided leaving only a drizzle outside, from what I could hear. I was lying inside Yuu’s embrace; both of us still very much naked and dirty. It didn’t seem to bother us at all, not even when the cold air breezed over us. I was holding onto Yuu just as Yuu was holding onto me.

Wasn’t it a picture perfect situation? I’d like to believe it was. And I was probably trying to convince myself that believing, once in a while, was alright.

Yuu kissed my hair, and as if that was a cue, I curled deeper into his arms. This felt too good to be true.

And then Yuu’s phone decided to ring.


A/N: On to writing 11 now... I think need some way to focus and stay focused, long enough to finish a whole chapter in one go. Somehow, lately I'm getting more and more easily distracted. I wonder why. Well. I guess I gotta do something about that, huh?

[ Chapter 01 ] [ Chapter 02 ] [ Chapter 03 ] [ Chapter 04 ] [ Chapter 05 ] [ Chapter 06 ] [ Chapter 07-a ] [ Chapter 07-b ] [ Chapter 08 ] [ Chapter 09 ]

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fanfic, rukixaoi, aoixruki, uruhaxruki, beautifullie

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